Chapter 19

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"Hey Arun" I called as I saw him sitting in his cabin that is in front of manik's cabin

"Hi nandini, what's up" he replied looking up as I leaned on his door

"Nothing much, is he busy" I asked

"He is angry, I dont know about busy"

"Why is he angry"

"There is another company competing for tomorrow's project and he is angry about it"

"But why is that making him angry, I mean of course others will fight right"

"Ya but he knows the person I believe"

"You believe or you know" I asked

"You are just as scary as Manik sometimes, umm I know"

"Who is the person" I asked sitting down

"Umm I dont know if he will appreciate me telling you, just ask him"


"Nandu yar tu mujhai pitwayegi, he will fire me and then torture me then hire me back to torture me more" he said being dramatic

"Of whatever, he won't, he loves you come on tell me "

"Its his brother"

"The fuckkk" I yelled

"Okay can you keep it quiet please he will seriously kill me"

"Stop being dramatic he wont"

"He will, just dont go in right now, he is angry and I dont wanna have to rescue you and then have cabir rescue us both"

"Oh get over it drama queen, if you dont hear anything being broken or me yelling just know its going okay or you can just come in" I said and he looked nervous

"Breath I dont wanna have to carry you becasue you fainted" he chuckled at my comment

"Be careful" he said and I nodded

With a million questions in my mind I walked towards his cabin and taking a deep breath I walked inside. There he was sitting at the same exact spot I left him two hours ago, with his head in his hands

"Hi babe" I said pulling his chair in front of him and sitting down in the chair

"umm can you please leave me alone for a little bit I just need to calm down" he said in the calmest voice possible but his eyes were spitting fire

"I could do that but id rather stay" I said leaning forwards and linking my arms behind his neck pulling him in a hug

He didn't do anything, he just let me hug him, a few minutes later he released a huge breath and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in his lap. It was a new feeling to be siting in his lap but in this moment the only thing concerning me was him and his mind,

He is the calmest person when it comes to me but I have heard a lot of stories of him and his anger, I have never had to cross paths with him even though I work in his company but he recently shifted here so I guess thats good. I am not scared of facing his anger I am just worried at this point

"You okay babe" I asked and he nodded in my neck

"Are you sure, you dont seem well, what is it?"

"Nothing" he mumbled

"Should I ask arun" I asked even though I knew

"He told you already didnt he" he murmured in neck

"Yes he did, do you wanna maybe go home and we can cuddle a little then we can finish working on the presentation for tomorrow" I suggested and he didnt say anything

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