Chapter Six

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"Ko wake up. I have a brilliant idea!" Katsumi exclaimed while shaking her sister who was not very happy about the idea of being woken up.

"Peabrain, leave me alone before I kill you..." Katsuko grumbled cuddling further into the pillow.

"Ko, please... You know that I won't leave you alone." Tsumi said as she sat on her sisters bed still shacking her.

"If you weren't my sister I would have punched you in the face by now." Ko said as she sat up and rubbed the sleepiness in her eyes away.

"You would still do it even if I am your sister but anyway that's not the point of this. You remember last week how you told me that you would like to meet dad and I told you that I would like too meet mom, right?" Tsumi asked and Ko already had an idea to where this was going.

"No." She simply said making the smile on her sister's face drop.

"Ahh but why not? We are twins and we would be able to pull of the switch. And a plus is that you would meet your dad for the first time in so many years and I would meet my mom." Katsumi explained and gave her sister the puppy dog eyes but the did not faze Katsuki one bit.

"You really didn't think this through, did you? Katsumi we may be twins but we are twins from different countries with different accents, different hair colours, different personalities, different styles, different quirks. We are twins but are one hundred percent different. And I pretty sure that mom would find out the moment you step out that plane." Ko explained still looking at her sister.

"So... I don't see any problem. I will teach you everything about me and you will teach me about you. Please I really want to meet mom." Katsumi said as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"You do know that I have an audition two weeks after we leave this place right. I've been practicing for this since I was six and I cannot miss it." Ko explained.

"That's simple, we can switch back a few days before your audition. You can also practice at my house I just need a few days." Tsumi said but her sister was still giving her a disapproving look.

"Then do tell me how are supposed to switch back genius. It's not simple since we live in two different countries that are thousands of miles apart." Ko said still not convinced.

"Well we'll just have to tell mom and dad the truth and when we switch back they will finally meet again after so many years and hopefully fall in love again." Katsumi said dreamily which made Katsuko tsk.

"You really are the dreamer out of the two of us, ain't ya?" Katsuko said while sighing.

She knew there was no way she was going to convince her sister otherwise but she just wanted to drag this out more.

"Please Ko... I'll do anything you want." She said giving her sister the puppy dog eyes once again.

"Fine, but if they get angry at us for doing this you will be the one to take all the blame and face mom's wrath." She said which made Katsumi squeal in happiness.

"Ooo... Thank you thank you thank you. I know I haven't known you for very long but you are the best sister in the whole wide world!" Katsumi exclaimed joyfully as she pulled her sister into a hug which she did not appreciate very much.

"Okay no need for you to get all cringy peabrain. Get off of me." Katsuko said as she tried to push the happy girl off of her.


The last two weeks of camp the two girls spent them practicing how two be each other. They taught each other how to behave around their parents so that they would not get caught.

They changed their hair colours and pierced Katsumi's ears which she did not like so much.

"Ooo, I thank this colour looks fabulous on me." Katsumi bragged as she looked at her now ash blonde hair.

"And remember not to act like a love struck dweeb. I have a reputation at home and I don't need you to mess it up, alright." Katsuko said as she ran her hand through her now white hair.

"I won't mess anything up. I'm actually worried about you messing this up with that nasty attitude of yours. Please don't fight with dad. You are both so similar that it worries me that you will butt heads with him." Katsumi sighed as she looked away from the mirror.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I DON'T HAVE A NASTY ATTITUDE! I AM A NICE PERSON!" Katsuko yelled which made Katsumi turn to her and let out a chuckle of amusement.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that. Anyway let's get the final details. You said you are living with mom and grandpa and that uncle Shoto often comes to visit randomly even through he lives in Japan. You play piano and the drums. You are a ballet dancer but can do any other dances as well.
Oh also your Butler and driver Shawn." Katsumi recited what she had learned in the past two weeks.

"Yep, also remember that I sometimes play the piano with grandpa." Katsuko reminded her.

On the last day they spent it with the other campers playing game. Though Katsuko did not participate in anything as she either preferred be with her sister or alone.

"Are you sure you don't want to play with the others?" Katsumi came to her panting a little.

"Yes, for the hundredth time. I don't want to be with extras. You are already more than enough." Katsuko said bitterly.

"Aw was that a compliment?" Katsumi asked.


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