Migration of Ghosts

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(Adapted from "Revived Memory")

We start this episode where we finished last time, and that's up on the Arrow Galion. Our latest antagonist, the octopus-like Captain Psycholapod, now sits before the throne of the mutant Sagittar. As their leader speaks, we see that we've caught the very end of an offer, as well as the headhunters and Midaria standing near his throne.

Sagittar: So. What do you think of my offer, Captain?

Captain Psycholapod: Hmm. It does sound like a Kraken good chance to take down the rangers.

About 2 more seconds of silence go by.

Captain Psycholapod: HOWEVER, I didn't come here just to entertain some sorry freaks.

Midaria: (scoffs while holding her weapons) You are in no position to make insults given your origins, you—

Sagittar: MIDARIA.

The tone in Sagittar's voice sounds a little more assertive.

Midaria stops when he says her name, and steps back in silence realizing what she almost said.

Sagittar: It's your choice, Captain.

Captain Psycholapod: It is now?

Sagittar: I have another offer for you to consider.

The headhunters and Midaria turn to their leader, curious.

Sagittar: I can help complete your mission if YOU become...a headhunter.

Blockhead and Insidion: Huh!?

Blockhead: H-Hold on, now! You expect me to trust this rando after what happened with our last new headhunter!?

Insidion: I too am apprehensive about this. (under his breath) Frankly, I'm tired of brainless thugs.

While saying this, Psycholapod looks up annoyed.

Captain Psycholapod: The ROBOT'S calling me BRAINLESS!?

He then uses his limited super speed while saying the last word to rush forward and grab Insidion on the head...his knuckles briefly glowing blue.

Insidion: (swatting the hand away) Gah! Back off!

Captain Psycholapod: Oh. My mistake.

He looks at his hand while saying this as Insidion backs away and Midaria steps in front of Sagittar, but the tone in which he says this is important to note here.

It's as if in a split second...he realized something...or maybe changed his mind.

Midaria: Sagittar, while I agree with them, it's your call.

The others look over, ready for an answer.

Sagittar: So, Captain?

Captain Psycholapod: Well, this isn't in my plan, but...what the heck? A few non-poisonous snacks never killed anyone before the main dish.

Insidion: Main dish? Care to tell us why you're actually here?

Captain Psycholapod: Maybe I will...AFTER I go clip some hot wings.

When then get a few seconds of laughter from Sagittar as we seamlessly cut into some original footage.

Sagittar: This is gonna be good.

The headhunters exchange dialogue as they leave, and Midaria gets closer to Sagittar's throne.

Blockhead: I hate that guy already.

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