We were Planning

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Erza POV

I waited for Mr. Fernandez and Ms. Milkovich for 15 minuets I didn't mind the wait, I was patient as I looked at the city from the elegant restaurant.

Then a couple, it was obvious they were just arguing, his face told the whole story the annoyed look and her pouty face, "hello, my name Erza Scarlet, I will be your wedding planner, if you just follow me we will get started on all the decerations.

Jellal POV

Erza, she probably doesn't remember me, at all.

Erza POV

I went to the empty booth, and sat down, "so have you already made some of your plans?" I asked the not-so-happy couple.

Ms. Milkovich scoffed and crossed her arms and Mr. Fernandez didn't even meet her eyes, 'this is going to be tough,' I thought.

Mr. Fernandez grabbed a paper out of his pocket and handed it to me, "these are most of the things we want at our wedding so you get the idea," he said, I took the piece of paper, he was really grumpy.

"Okay, so you want a five layered cake, you also want seven dozen white roses, a angel ice sculpture, twelve tables arranged for each family, a white and pale pink carpet with white pedals laid across from it, pink table cloths with white cotton covering, and you also want to be married under a flowered arch," I took in a breath, "have you've gotten an idea on food?" I asked.

That's where I went wrong, "see I told you my mother doesn't like cheese cake or strawberries but no it's all about your family isn't it?" Ms Milkovich shouted.

"We my family is actually quite fond of it, I mean what family eats popcycles for a wedding?" Mr. Fernandez retorted.

"It's Berger than eating meat you know, my mother and I are vegatarians you know," Ultear said.

"Well Gray and Lyon have no objections now do they?" He said.

"Because their meat heads themselves!" The conversation was on and off.

I sweat dropped, "okay now, let's settle down now please?" I calmly asked.

They looked at me and sat back down, "now we can prepare two separate tables, one for the Fernandez family and the other for the Milkovich family, how about that?" I said.

"It doable," the miss said.

"I'm game," the mister said.

I sighed in relief.

"Now to the seating arrangements," another mistake.

"My father refuses to sit next to your hippy of a mother!" She yelled.

"Well my father refuses to sit next to your ice cold mother," he shouted.

"Well brother certaintly won't sit next to the pink haired cousin of yours and his wife," she said.

"Well my cousin and his wife thinks Juvia is too clingy to Gray they are too scared to even sit next to your family." he shouted.

"Excuse me, at our engagement party your cousin almost burned the estate down!" She yelled.

"I also remember clearly Gray and Lyon shoving ice down people's backs," he shouted.

'This has got to be the worst couple in history,' I thought.

"Quiet down, and let's try use our inside voices please?" I pleaded, "go about we have the seating arrangement in a circular form so the parents are not sitting by eachother," I said.

They agreed.

"Is there anything else worth mentioning, like the date, time, place," I asked.

"Cardia Cathedral," the said in unison.


"3:15pm to 9:50pm," they said in unison.

"Date?" I asked, praying for no argument.

"June 11," they said.

"Good," speedy wedding if you ask me, I mean it's May 23, I said in my head.

"Okay well I am told that Tuesday you will do your fitting for the dress, and tommorrow will be the grooms fitting, not forgetting any groomsmen or bridesmaids, the guest list has been confirmed," I said I looked at my watch, "okay Lucy should be ready for you, and Mr. Fernandez you should already be familiar with her because she is Lucy Dragneel." He gave me a smile and I returned the smile, "okay I will meet up with the groom and his fitting tommorrow and the bride and her fitting on tuesday, until then See you later." I said with a final goodbye.

Jellal POV

"I am going to run to the bathroom real quick, I will be right back," she said, she did go to the bathroom, she didn't wave her ass in the air to get a mans attention this time, I saw Erza on the counter reading off the clipboard about our preparations, I walked over to her.

When she looked at me he eyes were just shining a coco color, "hello Mr. Fernandez, is something wrong, it seems you've lost track of your fiancé," she joked.

I laughed At her remark, "no nothing is wrong," I said, "but just one question do you remember me by any chance?" I asked.

She looked confused, "sorry I do not recall seeing your face until today," it felt like a million knives just split right through me.

"Sorry, it's just something I wanted to know," I said.

"Well it was really nice meeting you Mr. Fernandez," she said.

"Stop with the formalities call me Jellal if you will?" She nodded.

"See you around Jellal," my name just rolled off her tounge, it was hot, she was sexy, but I was arranged engaged, now I'm rhyming this sucks.

Her hips went from side to side, they fit her hour-glass shape perfectly, and her hair it was unforgettable! I felt at ease.

To be honest a few months back when I figured she was back in town, I did research on her, I even sent a investigative agent to send me pictures and information about her, so I was at ease knowing she was happy and safe.

I heard the nagging voice of Ultear, "Jellal!" She shouted across the room, "hurry up!" She said.

I got my ass ver to the counter from where Lucy had been at, and we got the rest of this wedding crap over with.

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