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When I walked back inside I saw my dad sitting at table

"Uh hey dad" I said sitting down

"Hey Kiara" he says with a pause "your mom still hasn't came down do you mind telling me what happened"

"If I do you have to promise that you won't get mad and not listen to me but that you will stay calm and listen to me please" i say

"Ok I will"he says back

"Well this morning mom came barging into my room because she was going to ask me a question and ended up seeing JJ in the bed with me asleep, I know what it seems like but nothing happened, me and him are just friends truly you have to believe me" I say begging him

"I do believe you" he says back


"Of course why wouldn't I your my daughter"

"For some reason mom just hates JJ thinking he's not good for me, but he's my best friend, and I trust him."

"I think I know why she hates JJ"

"Really why"

"I don't know the whole story but back in high school her and Luke had a thing I don't know what is was but all I know it that it didn't last long, she hasn't told me the whole story she says she would rather not relive that, she's probably judging JJ off of his action which isn't right"my dad says. I knew my didn't agree with my mom because my dads dad was an alcoholic and abusive yet my dad still came out perfect. I don't know what happened between Luke and my mom but I want to find out.

"Frankly JJ seems like a good guy and if you want to date him that's fine"he says.

"Umm we're not dating dad we're just friends" how could he think JJ and I are dating.

"Even if your not dating I saw you guys outside the way he looked at you the way he hugged you, there was something there. He really loves you, maybe you don't love him in that way and that's fine, or maybe you do and your just to scared to admit. I'm just telling you now that you don't want to gone in life regretting never telling him, and if you don't love him don't break his heart to much" he say.

"We're just-" I get cut off

"Yes I know your just 'friends' but just take into account what I said, sometime you love someone without even noticing it and once you do it's to late" I wanted to hug him but my mom came down stair causing my dad to give us some alone time and go up stairs.

"Uh hey mom, I just want to ask if you could just listen to me please"i plead

"Ok go one say what you have to say" she says sitting down

"Me and JJ are just friends, I don't know what relationship you had with Luke but you shouldn't take it out on JJ he is really a great guy."

"How do you know about me And Luke"she asks and I knew, but I could rat out my dad.

"I guessed"

"Well do you really want to know what happened"

"Of course" I actually want to know

"It was freshman year before I met your dad. Luke was the hot junior who wanted me, and how could I resist he was hot and a junior.We started dating till one night in his car he tried to get with me but told him 'no' he didn't listen I ended up punching him in the face and running out of the car crying" tears start to flow down her cheeks I could tell this was hard for her. Luke gets worse and worse every day.

"Why didn't you tell the cops"I ask

"I tried but he told me if I did he tell the whole school that I was lying and I was begging him for it" she starts to cry even more. I stand up and take her into my arms while she cries into my shoulder

An endless love ||a jiara love story||Where stories live. Discover now