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As I went into my house I looked around for my dad, he wasn't in the living room as usual or his room. A sense of relief overcame me till I felt a left jab to the chin of my face causing me to fall to the floor.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL FROM ME"I heard Luke yell as he got on top of me to hold me down.

I felt a right hook to face and another, and another, I didn't bother to fight back I deserved it, and I never win anyways.

"YOU TOOK THE ONE THINK I NEEDED TO GET OFF THIS GOD FORSAKEN ISLAND, AND NOW YOU'LL PAY" I felt him get off of me, but as I looked up he kicked me in the face almost knocking me out, I wished he knocked me out so I wouldn't have to be awake for the pain. I felt continuous kicks to the ribs from his boot making me lose my breath. "You're A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT, YOU KNOW THAT AND AIN'T NOBODY GONNA LOVE YOU" I heard him as he threw a beer bottle 4 inches away from my head. "AND YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE SHIT," he said as he walked off. As fast as I could I got up from the floor feeling barely able to breathe blood coming from my head, my face, and my stomach. I ran as fast as I could I didn't know where I was going but I was going, all I knew was that I had to get out of there, away from him.

Kie's POV

After JJ dropped me, all I could think about was how I was going to break the news to the pope about a love that isn't there, where would I do it, would we ever be friends again but all those thoughts went away when I heard a know at my window.

"Omg JJ what happened," I said opening my window to help him in I could see his lip bleeding along with the corner of his eye and blood stained through his shirt

"LUKE DID THIS DIDN'T HE," I said not letting him answer for himself. I felt rage and sympathy for him. I've known about Luke's abusive behavior since we were in 5th grade and JJ came through the widow all bloody and broken just like he was now. I couldn't bare to see JJ so hurt to see this cheerful, smiling guy broken and sad over a man, who has nothing better to do than beat up his son, while he's off going to jail, getting in bar fights, and buying drugs.

"He wasn't too happy we took the phantom I guess you could say, "JJ said trying to laugh it off like he always does. I pulled him up to my bed inspecting the cut on his forehead, knowing it will need stitches. "Oh yeah that's from a beer bottle he threw at me, you know just father-son bonding"

"You gonna need stitches on that cut I'll be right back please try to stay quiet" 

"Yes ma'am," he said with a thumbs up

Making my way downstairs to find the first aid kit we have in the downstairs bathroom to be stopped by my dad.

"He where are you doing it's almost 3 am," my dad said to me in a very suspicious manor

"I could ask you the same question, "I remarked back

"I thought I heard a noise upstairs I was just going to check on you"

"Oh yeah I fell off my bed"


"Yup that's actually why I came down here I was looking for the first aid kit I need a bandaid for my knee"

"Ok it's in the half bath"

"Thanks, dad," I said trying to run off before you caught me and hugged me

"I just wanted to say that I love you, and I will always be here for you. I understand that teenagers get in trouble, I was a teenager at one time I know it's hard to believe. We are just strict with because we want to keep you safe you, try to talk to your mom she's missing you a lot right now and just wants to know if you're ok."

"Thanks, dad, I just wish mom would stop trying to turn me into a kook and just accept who I am and the friends I have, "I said letting go of the hug to look at my dad

"I know baby, just try talking to her she'll come around to your friends, I was a pouge and she ended up falling for me"

"I love you, dad, I hope you know that, "I said pulling him into a hug. I truly loved my dad I was always close to him, ever since he taught me to surf when I was 9, I remember my mom got so mad because well I was only 9 already learning to surf all by myself.

"I know baby" at that moment I remembered JJ upstairs SHIT while I was reconnecting with my dad he was dying upstairs from his dad.

"Well dad I've got to go get that bandaid good night," I said running downstairs hearing a faint "good night" from my dad.

Once I got the kit ran up the stairs as fast as I could without waking my mom.

"What took you so long," JJ said

"Just a daughter reconnecting with her father"

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you about it when you're not bleeding, I'm just letting you know when I stitch this up that it's going to hurt"

"Have you done this before?" he questioned me

"Yes once, it was on my stuff bear, so I guess I haven't just trust me ok"

"It couldn't get any worse than it already is" I slowly started to stitch him up trying to keep my hand from shaking, but I couldn't help it the shakiness got worse but I had to continue.

"You doing great I can hardly feel a thing" I heard him say to me, I gave him a reassuring smile back.

"There you go it's all done once it heals we're going to have to figure out a way to get that thread out but we'll figure that out when the time comes"

"Thanks, kie"

"No problem just take off your shirt now"

"Any excuse to see me without a shirt huh"

"I'm serious I need to see where you bleeding so I can put a bandied and disinfect it before it gets infected"

"Yes ma'am," he said taking off his shirt.Butterflies.I've seen him without a t-shirt all the time why was this time any different, was it because he was in such a vulnerable position, or was it because he was incredibly hot? What are you thinking about Kiara get yourself together and focus, you don't think of JJ in that way.

I got a wet rag and cleaned up all the blood, as I was cleaning up the blood I could feel his abs under the rag I tried to not focus on that and just clean up the blood. I was not excited about the next bit I had to feel his abs, ok maybe I was a little excited because I had to put the Neosporin on so he wouldn't get infected. I slowly rubbed the Neosporin on my finger ready for JJ to make a joke but he didn't he just sat there staring at me studying me I wonder what he was thinking about. I then put the band-aid over it and I was all done.

"All done do you feel any better?" But nothing he just sat in silence

"Hey are you ok" I questioned him

"Um yeah I'm fine just tired from the day," he said with a fake smile

"Your sure, you know you can tell me anything right"

"I know kie, I was wondering if I could crash for the night don't have anywhere to go"

"Of course, I wasn't going to let you back over there anyways"

"Ok thanks could you just get a pillow and I should be fine on the floor"

"It's fine you can sleep on my bed, as long as you don't kick"

"No I don't kick," he said with a chuckle. We both lay with our backs facing each other till I felt JJ move towards me and I did the same.

"Thank you kie"

"For what?"

"For always being there when I need you the most" I could see a faint smile coming from him

"Of course JJ I'll always be here anytime you need me," I said with a smile. We lay there in silence knowing we were both awake just looking
at each other.

"Goodnight Kie" JJ said breaking the silence

"Good night JJ"


An endless love ||a jiara love story||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang