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On the way to Freddy's, we didn't talk we just walked in silence. If we did talk we would end up talking about what we both dreaded the most, could John b and Sarah still be alive? This was on my mind since the day they were lost because no bodies were ever found, once I see a body I'll believe it.

"Um I'll take the coleslaw & Swiss melt sandwich please" I heard kie say

"I'll just take your original Italian sandwich thank you, "I said back to the worker

I saw kie take out her wallet before I stopped her "here it's fine I'll pay I'm the one you asked for a midnight snack"

"JJ I'm pretty sure you have like 2$ to your name it's fine I'll pay, but thanks for offering"

"See you got it wrong I have 2.50 to my name"

"Still proves my point that you can't pay for these sandwiches"

"Fine but you have to let me pay next time"

"Whatever you say JJ, we'll just go get snacks at the dollar tree I guess"

"I'm cool with that a dollar tree 2nd date sounds fun"

"Did I just hear 2nd date I don't remember going on a first date"

"Well this right here is the 1st date my dear"

"Oh is it"

"It quite is how has it been so far"?

"Well I'm 8 dollars poorer so not off to a great start," she said laughing I loved when she laughed, her smile was so beautiful, like a sign that everything is going to be ok. I just stood there staring at her thinking what if they smile, this laugh is just a face for someone who is truly hurting.

"Hey are you ok," she said back to me concerned because I had been staring at her for 2 minutes strait

"Yeah yeah I'm fine my mind just dozed off I guess"laughing it off. For the next couple of minutes we didn't talk, but I knew one of us had to break the silence.

"Do you think they survived?" she said thank god she broke it

"Of course, their pages, pages never die, I bet John b is in Yucatán right now about to open up his surf shop"

"And Sarah is right next door ready with her bike shop"

"Of course, their just waiting for things to die down over here, and I'm sure once things do they will be on the next boat over here, "I said to her in a very reassuring voice, I could tell she was worried and that she didn't believe anything we were saying by the way her hand was shaking, that always happened when she hand anxiety. Without even thinking I grabbed her hand in mine and said "everything's going to be alright I promise" she gave me a reassuring smile and we just sat there in silence, staring and studying each other, like the way her curls were put up into a bun, and her eyes gave this worried look like you just wanted to hug her and hold her forever.

"Here are your sandwiches one original Italian, and one coleslaw & Swiss melt sandwich" and worker said breaking the silence, and my gaze

"Thank you," we both said

For the rest of our time, we didn't speak much to focus on our food. I hadn't eaten well in days so this meal was very refreshing compared to slim Jims from the corner store.

After eating our meal I walked with kie to her house. "So how are you and Pope," I said

"I don't know, I haven't talked to or seen him since that night your actually one of the people I've spoken to since that night"

"You haven't been talking to your parents I'm sure it's good to let some of these feelings out instead of bottling them up"

"My parents wouldn't understand they would use this as a way to get me back into the kook world, either way, they haven't tried to talk to me"

"Yeah but at least you have those people there to talk to, maybe you should try, they are probably waiting for you to talk to them first trying to give you space. Their your parents and will always love you and try to understand you at least right?

"I'm so sorry JJ I'm over here talking about how my parents don't understand me, and you don't have any parents to talk to about this"

"It's fine kie I've got you to talk to right?"

"Of course, you will always have me to talk to JJ, endlessly, but you have to promise to never leave me ok"

"I promise always and forever to never leave you Kiara Carrera" She turned to me in an instant holding out her pinky

"A promise is only true if you pinky swear"

"Well of course what's a promise without a pinky promise," I said locking my pinky with hers.

"I pinky swear to never leave you JJ Maybank"

"And I promise to never leave you, Kiara Carrera"

When we got to her house I was ready to push her up to her window when she suddenly said "I don't love pope, not in the way he wants me to at least" I felt guilty because a relief overcame my body as soon as she said those words, the words that provided hope we could be something more.

"Really but you kissed him don't you think he might get mixed signals"

"I kissed him out of pity I think, a spur of the moment that I regretted right after, I've felt so guilty this whole time, I'm just trying to find the moment to tell him"

"It's going to break his heart, but isn't it better for someone to truly love you, instead of faking it to keep you safe, but that's just one man's opinion" she was silent for a moment all those thoughts in her mind, oh how much I wonder what goes on in that head of hers.

"I think I'm going to do it tomorrow, it will break his heart but at least we can work our way up and build a friendship right"?

"It will take time, I can imagine it's hard to get over a girl like you, but you'll be friends again you'll just have to give him space after"

"Thanks, JJ for the great advice"

"Why you're welcome, who knew I was so great at giving advice," I said as I lifted her To her bedroom

"Your just full of surprises aren't you," she said from her bedroom window

"What can I say ima a man with many talents" I heard her laugh, that laugh in all its Beauty always manages to brighten me up even on the darkest nights.

"Good night JJ Maybank"

"Good night Kiara Carrera," I said walking off with a little pep in my step even for 2 am.

That pep was soon lost as I approached my house knowing my dad was in there about to beat the living shit out of me for taking his keys and his boat. I haven't been home since that day. I didn't want to go home but I would have to face the consequences one might as well make that day today, I just pray he's ball out drunk on the couch so he can't ruin this night for me and just save it for the morning.


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