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Kiara's POV

After closing up the restaurant I make my up stairs and look at the time 5:30 my parents won't be back for 30 minutes.At least I don't have to worry about them walking in one me and JJ.

"Your feast m'lady" JJ says with a bow as I walk in. On the floor I see on my blankets laid out while out San witch are laying out along with our drinks, and the bbq Pringles in the middle as put center piece.It's perfect everything is. All I can think to do in the moment is hug him and I do. My arms wrapping around his bracket and his around my waist, I don't know why this hug felt different like no other one I've ever felt something in my stomach twirling around, what is this strange feeling, oh no butterflies.

"What is this for" he says still holding on tight, not letting go me not wanting him to let go.

"For everything" I say on the verge of tears and I don't know why. No one has ever done this for me, I've never had a official boyfriend and I'm not saying me and JJ are dating but this just meant the world to me.

"Of course you know I'll do anything for you"he whispers. How is this man able to be so angry and rage full towards Rafe but so gentle and calm with me.I soon let go smiling at him while he smiles back and stares at me. Our eyes meet not wanting to escape the grasp they have on each other, without think my eyes look down to see his lips, what's wrong with me I hope he didn't notice. But can you blame me he's so attractive I've always know how attractive he is it's just like in this moment I truly saw him in a different light.

"Shall we eat" I say breaking the silence

"We shall" he says back mocking my tone

"Umm what did you get me to drink" I ask

"I got you the raspberry lemonade and don't work I put a little bit of water in so it wouldn't be to sour"he says so causally, he actually remembered my favorite drink even the little details of it. Oh no butterflies again.

"You know my favorite drink, when did I tell you"I ask actually wondering because I never told him this

"Back in 6th grade we went to all go eat and I remember you specifically asking the worker to add a little bit of water to your raspberry lemonade .beau e the sourness clutches your jaw which you hate." He says as he continues devouring his sandwich. How did he remember this, that was was almost 6 years ago.

"You amaze me JJ Maybank"I say smiling at him because truthfully he does.

"What's that supposed to mean" he says

"That was almost 6 years ago and you still remember it"

"Of course I do, I pay attention little details like that, those are the things that matter"

"Ok JJ is there anything else I do that you've noticed"

"You pick at the skin on your nails when your nervous or have anxiety, Umm on the days your feeling inc]secure you wear more makeup and on the days your confident you don't wear any makeup, also your guilty pleasure is loving the moving Mega mind."

"How the hell do you know all this"

"I don't know I just notice stuff"he says. I'm going to tell him it's going to happen the one thing I swore to never tell anyone is going to be revealed to JJ, I don't know why him, or this moment but it just feel right.

"Can I tell you something" I say very seriously

"Yeah of course"

"But you have to promise to never tell anyone not even Pope" I say holding out my pinkie.

"I promise" he says latching his pinkie to mine.

"Back in freshman year when I was friends with Sarah I made a lot of mistakes, I made one big terrible mistake that changed me. I've never told anyone till now, when I tell you think don't think of me differently please."I say still holding his pinkie in mine

"Of course I won't judge, what is it" his face more concerned

"Well me and Sarah were close so I would spend a lot of time around her house ie I would spend a lot of time with her family" I pause for a moment "one night that I slept over and she had already fallen asleep I found my self in the kitchen with Rafe, and before I knew it we were in his bedroom, I lost my virginity to him, and after I I felt like crap betraying my best friend with her brother, I just didn't want you guys to see me as the girl who lost her virginity to Rafe Cameron murder, how I fell for him just for a night, I didn't want you guys to think I was stupid.But the whole experience opened up my eyes that the Kook life was really not for me, he ended up telling all his Friends what had happened, and made up a lie that I was begging him for it.I'm pretty sure that's the real reason Sarah broke off our friendship and can you blame her I sleep with her brother I'm a terrible person" I say this all trying to keep back my tears

"Kie how would I see you differently truly. You made a mistake everyone does hell especially me are kidding me I make hundreds of mistakes a day" he says this as he pulls into a hug.

"Kie your one of the most independent, strong, loving,caring, and thoughtful people I know and nothing can change that especially not Rafe Cameron" I can feel his body heat radiate off of him onto me holding me tight like  suit of armor shielding me from the world. In that moment I realize why I chose to tell JJ before anyone else, because no matter what JJ will always see me the same for who truly am, not the girl who lost her virginity to Rafe Cameron, not a ex kook, but Kie he saw me as Kie and nothing could change that.

"Thank you JJ" I say on the verge of crying

"Thank you Kie for trusting me so much to tell me" a feel a tear run down my cheek as he end that sentence. Damn him for being so good with words.

For the next 20 minute we sit there him holding me while I cried into his chest and I didn't mind because I felt safe, I felt butterflies.


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