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JJ'S POV 1 week later

When we got back to 'the wreck' Rafe was still on the floor but this time I didn't feel as bad. We called the police and got everything sorted out I guess it's a good thing Kie's family has security cameras. Rafe is going to go to jail we don't know how long because his trial isn't for another month but we know he's going, and that's enough.

Today me, Kie ,and pope have all planned to go to the chateau and go fishing we thought it was about time, and apparently pope has some kind of suprise for us.

"Hey JJ" I hear a familiar say I look to the side and see Kie staring at me from the bed.Don't get the wrong ideas like I know you will when our time come it's it will we magical and perfect.I just fell asleep watching a movie.

"Hey Kie, I just have to stop by my house to change and shower before going to the chateau"I grab my hat and kiss her goodbye before hoping out the window.

"I'll come pick you up in like 30 minutes is that fine" I yell from the ground

"Yeah I should be ready by then"she yells back with a smile gosh I love this woman.I give a thumbs up and leave.


When JJ left I put on a orange bikini pairing it with shorts and sun glasses before going down stairs to eat breakfast. Me and my parents have been really good lately, their really starting to understand me and learn to love my friends especially JJ they even invited him over for dinner one night, he was so scared of my mom but can you blame him.

"Hey hun I made your favorite, waffles" my dad yells from the kitchen as I sit at the table.My mom brings me a plate along with my dad and hers.

"So what are you up to today" my mom asks

"Actually me, JJ, and Pope are all going to visit the chateau and go fishing should be fun"

"Hm JJ, how's that been going"she says

"Actually really well, I was worried it would ruin our friendship but it actually made it better"which was true we were able to have these deep conversations, and really get to know each other all our thoughts and feelings we were to scared to share before.

"That's good you know you can tell him he can go though the front door right" she says back

"I tell him but he insists on the window I think he's scared of you mom"

"Can you blame him" my dad says with a smile.

"Actually there he is right now" I say as he knocks at the door

"I'll answer it" she quickly gets up from the table to answer the door before I can catch her

"Why hello Mrs. Carrera how are you" JJ's voice so shaky I feel so bad honestly.

"I'm good JJ thanks for asking" she says back. I grab his hand saying bye to may parents and walk to the chateau to meet pope and this surprise he's been non stop talking about.

"What do you think it is, maybe he's found another stash of gold we have to try to get before a money hungry murdering man tries to get first"JJ says

"Mmm I would say to rule out the possibility but it could happen"I say to him with a smile.

We soon make it there to see pope already there sitting at the porch.JJ stops in his steps I can feel he doesn't want to go in but I know we have to so I tighten my grip and smile at him.

"Everything is going to fine" I say to him he gives a nod back.

"You guys take forever,I want you guys to prepare yourself for what's inside, this is the big surprise and don't be mad at me for not telling you"he says

"Um ok why are you acting so weird pope" JJ says as we walk in. I can almost feel my heart skip a beat as I saw Sarah and John B's faces right there at then entrance.

"Omg your alive" I yell bringing them both into a hug I can feel tears flow down my cheeks but these tears or tears of joy I knew they were alive.This hug was soon a group hug of everyone.

I see JJ and John b exchange words and hug.

"I can't believe your alive" I say as I hit Sarah once more "how were you able to come back everyone thinks John B killed sherif peterkin" I ask as we all sit down at the dock.

Then continue to tell us this long story about how they were found by a this guy name Terrance, met a couple of people who helped them along the way one the girls was named Cleo. But pope ended up being the one who found them. Once Rafe was arrested he confessed to everything because he didn't want to go to jail alone dragging his dad along with him clearing John B's name. "I can't believe you didn't tell us" I say slapping pope in the arm

"Sorry they insisted on surprising you guys"she remarks back

"So your safe" JJ ask John b

"Yeah we're good" he says to all of us.

I can't believe it the way everything worked out so perfectly.Sarah pulled me to the side for some needed girl talk.

"So how's everything right now, I thought I saw you and JJ holding hands when you walked in" she asks

"Well you saw right me and him are dating, we're actually in love" I say staring at him.

"Well me and John B are married" she says back

"Um what the hell since when"

"It's not technically legal but yeah we're married"

"Who would've guessed we would be here"

"Not me that's for sure"she says back.

We join the boys for an amazing night of laughing, beer, and a crazy bonfire.JJ'S hot tub came in handy for that I guess it is a good thing he bought it. This has definitely been one of the best nights since we're all together again. Me and him lay down on the dock looking up that sky while everyone else was asleep.

"Isn't the sky so beautiful at this time of night"I say

"It sure is"he says back kissing me on the forehead that sends my stomach into a knot.

"I love you JJ Maybank"

"And I love you Kiara Carrera"


An endless love ||a jiara love story||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora