Chapter 21.

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*Johana's P.O.V.*

I woke up at around 3 in the afternoon. I walked downstairs to see that nobody was home. I got confused but I walked in the kitchen to get some water.

As I was drinking it a knock came to my door. Its pouring right now I don't know who would come here now. We don't have a roof over our porch.

I looked out the peep hole thing to see Shawn. He is completely soaked.

I sighed. "What do you want Shawn?"

"Please open the door, Johana."

I hesitated but opened the door. I couldn't help but to show my feelings. That I was upset. But I have cried too much. No more tears, Johana.

"What, Shawn?"

"Johana, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Shawn."

"Please, Johana. We don't have to go back to how we used to be. I just can't live with thinking that you hate me right now."

"I don't hate you." He seemed to brighten a bit. "I hate what you did." He looked really cold. I groaned before pulling him in. I noticed how he had a cut on his lip. "Shawn?"


"Why is your lip cut?" I wiped his face some and he winced. I wiped away the concealer he had on his eye to see it was purple. "Shawn! Who did this to you?!" Just cause I'm mad at him doesn't mean I'm not going to worry.

"I- uh-" I gave him a look saying to tell me.

"Matt." I got even more mad at Matt. "But I threw the first punch." He whispered.

"Why?" I pulled him into my bathroom and rinsed a rag. I started dabbing on his cut wiping the blood away.

He winced. "You." I stopped and looked at him.


"You. Johana, I don't know if you noticed but I still love you. Alot. And Matt just pissed me off because of things he said." I scoffed.

"So you punched him cause you still love me?"

"No-- your putting words in my mouth. He said some shit about you and I got mad because of the other night and because of what he said. And I saw that hickey on your neck. I saw him give it to you that night." I got wide eyes.

"What happened the other night?"

"All I saw was you two were making out. You seemed to be having fun."

"I was drunk."

"You? Drunk?" I punched his arm lightly and he laughed.

"I don't know half the stuff that happened. All I know is I woke up with a hickey and got mad so I stormed out of his apartment." I started dabbing his lip once more. Our faces were really close but nobody made a move so that it was different.

"Johana," I set the rag down and pulled him downstairs. I gave him an icepack and then sat down across from him. "Can we talk? About us and like what happened?"

It was quiet for a while.

"Shawn. You don't know. What we had, that was very special to me. I loved you so much. I gave you something that I can't give anyone else now." I knew what I was talking about and I know he knows too. "Your the only guy that I have had a real relationship with. You don't know how much you meant to me."

He moved his seat so he was next to me. His put his arm around me and kissed my temple.

"I think I have an idea. I thought that we could just give each other space. So that, one we could maybe see other people. And two, so that we could just cool off. I haven't had a relationship as good as ours was either. Never. I know you gave me something special and I love that I was the one to take it. Because I loved you and I still do." Shawn's shirt was off since it was soaked. He had a bruise on his stomach but it wasn't as bad as his face. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe... Why not we not rush back into a relationship? And go slower this time?" He smiled and nodded.

I looked up at him and just like any other cliché movie we leaned in slowly and kissed. Very passionately might I say. I swung my leg over his lap so I was straddling him. And our kiss turned into a make out session.

"What about Brianna?"

"I broke up with her." I nodded and we kept going.

We were like that for what... 5 minutes?

"Okay starting now. Friends?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yeah. Friends."

I got up and until my mom got back I had Sarah and Nash come over so we could all hang out. I started blasting some music and we all danced around the living room. Occasionally you would see Narah kissing.

Yup I said Narah. Sarah and Nash? No? Okay.

When my mom got home everybody left. I gave Shawn's shirt back though, and I ate dinner then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I went to bed with a smile on my face.


Chapter 21 is up!

Okay so I have this idea where I could do a double update everyday? Yes no maybe so? Hahaha I want to so get ready for Chapter 22 later!

Bai guys!
~Jamie xx

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