Chapter 19.

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"Shawn!" Right now him and I are kinda fighting. I don't know, after what happened last month, yeah that night. Things just went downhill. Tears rolled down my eyes as he put his shirt on. "Please, don't leave!"

"Johana every day this relationship gets harder and harder! How the hell are we supposed to do this?!" He yelled.

"We can work it out you have to talk to me! Please Shawn!" I sobbed as he grabbed his stuff and slid his shoes on.

"We have tried! If we keep trying," He looked away. "I don't even know."

"Well you won't know until you try!"

"I have tried! I have tried so hard! You don't understand! I can't do this anymore!" My breath hitched as those words left his mouth.

"Are you breaking up with me...," I trailed off. He sighed and just gathered his stuff.

"See you later." I sobbed and collapsed as the door closed. I cried and just laid there. I didn't know what else to do. Abby never texted me back that day. I don't even know if I have any friends anymore. I never see them. I grabbed my phone and dialed Clarissa's number.


"Clarissa? Can you come over? Please?"

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Shawn and I broke up..."

"Oh Johana! I'll be right over!"

She hung up and 10 minutes later she came in my room with a grocery bag. She came right up to me and gave me a hug.

"You guys looked perfectly fine! What happened?"

And I told her. That ever since that night things just went downhill. I thought after these things stuff would get better. But it didn't. I guess fate isn't on my side right now.


That night Clarissa and I had watched movies and ate ice cream. Now its just another month later and I'm getting a little better. It sucks that I live right next to him. I haven't even opened my window or curtains cause I am not going to risk seeing him. I sighed as I walked into class. Shawn's now 17 though.

I never even said happy birthday. He had this really big party and I never went. But there is another party tonight that Sarah, Nash, and Clarissa are taking me to. No wait they forced me to go. But I'm fine with it. Something to get my mind off of things. I walked into class and saw that Brianna (the girl that said about 2 months ago to stay away from Shawn) was looking at me with a smirk.

I just walked to my desk, she followed.

"Hey Johana!" I just looked at her with red eyes. Last night wasn't a very good one. "Didnt you hear? Shawn and I are dating now." She put a lot of emphasis on 'dating' and smiled innocently.

"Why should I care?" I snapped at her.

"Well aren't you his girlfriend?" Her oh-so-innocent look never left her face.

"You know his and I are over. It's been what? a month now? Wow you're slow."

"Oops, " She giggled. "I just want you to know that, he told me he never loved you and he was only using you for sex. It just took a while. He was just messing with you." She giggled.

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