Chapter 13.

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1 week later

I woke up sweating. Why is it so hot? Hello! We're in Canada! I quickly got up and got in the shower. I finished my morning routine and got dressed. I wore a 'Take me to Never Land' crop top, high rise skinny jeans with my black vans. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and smiled in the mirror. I shook my head and walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. I sat down and my mom just gave me my plate of food. No good morning or anything.

"Good morning to you too," I mumbled but I guess she heard cause she dropped her fork.

"Honey, I'm sorry just... I have been feeling weird lately. I'm just off track a bit." She continued making a plate for someone else. Well okay.

"Well I'm going to go to Rose's house. See yah Mom." I walked out the door and to Rose's house. I smiled then knocked on Rose's door.

Rose opened the door and smiled soon ushering me in. That feeling of being watched coming back. I looked up in the kitchen to see a man.

My stomach started to feel a bit weird but I ignored it.

"We were just talking about you." Rose smiled at me. Okay. Wow, creepy.

"Johana, how are you?"

"Good um, not to be rude but who are you?"

"There's no easy way to say this," The man started to rub his hands together and Rose just looked really confused. "I'm your father." No your not. Um, okay?

"No your not. I have a father. He's right next door. Your not my father," I started to back away a bit. As I talked that feeling of, I don't know, that one connection I felt when I first saw this man.

"I am, believe it or not." I shook my head.

He can't be. I ran out of Rose's house, Rose yelling after me. I ran past my house. I can't go in there. Not now anyways.


"Shawn, please open up!" I started crying. This is too much to handle. Soon enough Shawn opened the door and I may or may not have tripped over thin air.

I got up and brushed myself up. "Johana... You okay? Sorry."He mumbled. He did look tired. Oops.

I looked down and blushed. I don't know why. Either the fact I just embarrassed myself or that I woke him up. "Uh, um, s-sorry... Uh I didn't mean to wake you."

"Are you crying?" He squinted his eyes. No duh. I looked up at him and a few tears fell down. He pulled me into his house and closed the door not hesitating to wrap his arms around me. "What's up, boo?" I chuckled. He always knew how to make me smile. Like no joke.

"I have either been lied to my whole life or," I paused not knowing what to say.

"What do you think you have been lied to about?"

"Who my real father is."

"Have you tried talking to your parents about it?" I shook my head no. "Maybe you should."

"Will you come with me?" I looked up at him. He gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Can I get dressed first?" I looked down and noticed he was shirtless and in sweatpants. I blushed, laughed, and nodded. He chuckled and ran upstairs taking me with him. I just laughed and watched him run around his room.

He was soon in his bathroom and eventually came out with a blue flannel on that had a white T-shirt under. He had his skinny jeans on with the bottoms rolled up and vans. I smiled and we walked out the house. We walked over to my house hand in hand and soon approached the door. I took a deep breath and we walked in.

My mom was talking to the man I saw over at Rose's house. I sighed and walked in further still holding his hand.

"Who's that?" Shawn whispered in my ear.

"Supposedly my father." He nodded and I cleared my throat. "Mom, yeah as you can probably tell, we need to talk. With him," I said the last part pointing to the man. "And dad."

She sighed and nodded.


Told you Johana.... Its getting intense. God I can't wait to write the next chapter!

Bai guys!
~Jamie xx

Canada (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now