Chapter Two

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Izuku whined, throwing his head back as Katsuki swallowed his load. The blonde smirked, coming up to his level, only to press a quick kiss on his freckled forehead. 

"I knew you wouldn't get enough of me." He smugly spoke, earning a frown from the greenette. 

"Shut up! You're nothing like the man I'll marry. Alright? This is just some secret hook-up, to relieve stress." The small male spoke, making the blonde frown. He really likes the greenette, and knowing the the boy doesn't feel the same surely does hurt him slightly... No, scratch that, a lot, even if he won't admit it. 

"Then why're you always coming over?" Bakugou asked, rolling his eyes as he flipped over in bed. 

"Because 96% of the time, I'm drunk, and the other 4%, I'm depressed, 'kay?" Izuku spat out, getting up and putting on his pants. The blonde sighed, shaking his head. 

"You're really boring, y'know? You're not going anywhere in life with an attitude like that one." He muttered, earning a menacing glance from the other. 

"Excuse me? I graduated from High School 5 months ago, and I'm already studying in medicine. If anything, I'll be far more successful that you'll ever be. Also, I spent my teenage years volunteering at random places, so it would look good on my resume. And what have you done? Oh, right, you got high in the middle of an alleyway, with 30 year-old-men, pretending as if you came from The Hood or some shit. You're 20, and you don't even have a job. You dropped out of High School, so that ought to look good on your resume, right?" The greenette irritatingly argued, crossing his arms onto his bare chest. Katsuki immediately frowned. 

"Hey, it's not my fault I didn't have fucking parents around to show me how to live a normal life, alright? If it weren't for the guys off the street, I'd be dead by now." The older man shot back, angry. 

"Oh? Dead, how?" Izuku questioned. Bakugou froze, anger rising in him even more. 

"I don't fucking know, probably would have committed suicide, or some shit! Why don't you just leave, fucking slut." The male snapped, unable to take such attitude towards him. Midoriya offendedly winced, grabbing his things and walking out, all while slamming the door behind him, leaving his lover behind. Katsuki looked down, alone with his thoughts. Izuku somewhat did have a point. He shouldn't blame his mistakes on his parents. After all, they had a job to do, and just because they didn't give him as much attention as he wanted, doesn't mean they didn't mean well.

Plus, Midoriya also had a point, with his resume, and what he's accomplished so far; nothing. 

"Thank you, have a nice day!" Midoriya chanted, as his customer left the building. The greenette's eyes then landed on another woman, coming closer to the counter. 

"Hi, I'll take a black coffee, please." She spoke, handing him a ten dollar bill. The small boy smiled, nodding before handing the order to his co-worker, knowing she'd take care of it for him. The boy then removed his apron, sitting down at his normal break-spot. He pulled out his phone, seeing several notifications. Three of them coming from Katsuki's phone number, with 3 missed calls. The greenette frowned, annoyed. He quickly clicked on a Call Back button, holding the phone up to his ear. Almost immediately, it picked up. 

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