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More of my main story for you fittys
Cuz You're hanji sluts ♡♡♡

Your pov (past tense I think)

This morning I was greeted with {preferred hot drink} on the table beside my bed and a note

To my love

I've made you {fav hot drink}
I'll be back shortly, a meeting came up last minute last night and you were asleep so I couldn't exactly tell you then.
By time you're awake I'll probably be finished and heading back♡

You read this letter and you sipped you perfect temperature {hit drink} that soothed you throat from last night 😏

Just as you finished the cup of {preferred temperature} {drink}
You head your door open dramatically as hanging slouched over to the sofa on the wall you tour room plopping himself down on its cushioned fabric

You heard hanging whine and you turnt to look at them
You simply replied
"I'm bored..."
They said solemnly
You knew what that ment...
"You want to do testing?"
Hanji hadn't any titans recently and even was always busy so hanji had begun to test on you instead, he'd been talking about doing DNA testing for awhile now and You're assuming today was it.


As you enter the lab you see concoctions of liquids half mixed and encapsulated titan limbs, none of this bother you anymore as it had before.

There's also shelves with DNA samples from everyone inside the walls, pretty cool if you ask me.

(Idk how to explain dna testing so ykkkk, make it up yourselfsssss)

I left and hanji said they'd need peace and quiet to complete the testing, but said he would tell me when he's done.

(AFeW daYs letoOrrrr)

Hanji announced the results were shocking and that I may need to sit to listen to it, but stated that they wernt bad shocking to him personally he had already mentioned this to whom you were related to, in his words 'your sister' but you didn't even think you had one-...

And she had said something you'll knowwwww, in part 2, sorryyyy hehe
Alsooo, sorry for not updating in like 4ever you homos luv ya all tho yk, bye for now 😈👻👹🤡💀👽🤖🥸 (will use for October probs)

-pt 2 <3

"I was aware I had a sister though didn't think it would be one I'd ever meet, it'd only ever been mentioned once in a meeting I sneaked into as a child, then never again." Hanji resited.

Then he continued...

"It seems your apart on, the Reiss family-."

And when I say say I began hyperventilating, girl, I was shaking like a dogs leg when you itch it in a right spot.

Hanji has to hold my shoulds to ground me as a calmed my self.

I stayed silent

To much going through my head to talk

The grand Bell rang signalling tea time.

"I'm not hungry, I'll go to our room and ill meet you there once your done."

That was a lie, I did indeed nit meet them there, I, instead, ran to the village and to the castle.

Hanji/Hange Zoe x reader ((VERY SLOW UPDATES/HOLD)) (some one-shots too) Where stories live. Discover now