Sleep Doesn't Come Easy {One Shot}

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Reader can't sleep, it's not so easy anymore. (just read in another life *AGAIN* feeli'n good--*sob*) also, you and Hanji aren't dating and this is where you are both still cadets

Your POV

Sleep doesn't come as easy anymore, looking at the photo of my late parents I sigh.
'why couldn't you stay, just a bit longer?'
I ask my self in my head and I gently place the photo down, remembering how loving they were.
You missed the, you really did.

You look over to the other side of the room to see your cabin mate, Hanji, sleeping soundly, little snores escaping their lips ever now and then, you and them had grown to be quite good friends along with, surprisingly, Levi, mainly because you, him and Hanji were forced into partners for all activities, Erwin is also someone I have crossed paths with, he is the commanders helper currently and is said to be the next, if something is to happen to commander __________.
(Insert the worst name ever, I swear if I see one Karen--)

My mind tends to wonder all over the place at night, it must be around 2am by now.

All of a sudden I hear Hanji say something along the lines of
"Y/N, are you up?"
"yes" I respond quietly, unsure if they were sleep talking or not.
After I hear Hanji mumble a few words before before sitting up.
Okay, definitely awake.
"sup?" I ask, voice still quiet.
"why?" they ask
"why what?"
"Why are you still up?" they reply back quickly.
"couldn't sleep." I answer nonchalantly.
"wanna talk?" Hanji asked
"bout what?"
"I don't know, what evers bothering you I geuss, there must be some reason you can't sleep."
"okay, I geuss."


Hanji's POV

"I can't wait to see more types of titan's!" I say in a loud whisper, but, there's no response, I stand to check to see if Y/N is asleep, I smile seeing as (Insert pronouns) are.
"happy I could help." I say, voice hushed as I get into bed to sleep, ready for the expedition tomorrow.

About 200 something words maybe, sorry it S short, but just like y/N aka you in the story, I need sleep, like, badly, so, have a nice day/night/whatever in between, BYE! :D

Hanji/Hange Zoe x reader ((VERY SLOW UPDATES/HOLD)) (some one-shots too) Where stories live. Discover now