Chapter 14

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

"Let's go," Mark took hold of Gun's wrist and led him towards the area in the mall's third floor where the movie houses were located.

"What flavor of popcorn do you want, butter or cheese?" Mark asked, leading Gun to the concessionaire food booth right outside the entrance to the movie house where "Triple X" was showing.

"We just ate," Gun protested. "I'm not hungry."

"Well, what about soda or juice?" Mark asked.

"A small size drink will do," Gun said, "Make it a pink lemonade."

"Small pink lemonade coming up," Mark said, as he walked towards the concessionaire food booth.

He ordered two small pink lemonade drinks and walked back to Gun and handed one of it to him.

"Let's go inside," Mark said, leading Gun towards the entrance door of the movie house.

They were met by an usher who guided them to the seats with the corresponding numbers on their tickets.

"Wait," Mark said to the usher. "Why are you giving me and my friend separate seats?" Mark had almost said 'my boyfriend'.

"I'm just following the number on your tickets," the usher said. "That is what you chose on the computer terminal outside the theater."

Dammit, Mark had carelessly chosen seat numbers that were two seats away from each other.

There was no going back now. Mark had to sit two seats away from Gun, goddammit.

As Mark came closer to their seats, he recognized a familiar face.

"Perth! What the hell, you're the last person I expected to see here!" Mark exclaimed. "Who are you with?"

"Mark, I want you to meet my boyfriend Saint," Perth said, and received a light slap on his arm from Saint.

"When did we become boyfriends? I never agreed to be your boyfriend," Saint said with a shy smile as he accepted Mark's outstretched hand.

Then Mark stepped aside and pushed Gun in front of him.

"Perth, Saint, I want you to meet my boyfriend Gun," Mark said, and promptly received a slap on his arm from Gun.

"When did I agree to be your boyfriend?" Gun said to Mark as he accepted the outstretched hand of Saint.

"Wait," Mark said, "since you guys are sitting between Gun and me, can we switch places so that Gun and myself can sit together?"

"Sure," Perth replied and stood up and took the seat that Mark would have had to sit.

Soon the movie screen was showing the previews of upcoming films and both couples got focused on watching what was on the screen.

And soon the main film started to appear on screen.

Gun sipped on his pink lemonade drink with his eyes on the screen.

Then from the corner of his eye he noticed Mark lifting his arm and Gun turned his head to look at what Mark was doing.

Mark smiled sheepishly at him and started to scratch the back of his head.

"The back of my head is itchy a little bit," Mark explained. "Maybe I developed an allergy to one of the dishes that we ate earlier."

"Sure," Gun said, his face obviously doubting what Mark had just said.

Suddenly Gun heard a soft moan on his other side.

Gun discreetly turned his head a little bit to see what was going on.

Ohmygahd, Perth was kissing Saint right there next to Gun's seat.

Gun quickly started sipping on his pink lemonade once more.

Gun really tried hard to focus on the movie screen.


What was happening now.

Gun turned his head a little bit once more on the side were Perth and Saint were sitting.

Ohmygahd!!! Perth had his hand between Saint's thighs!!!

In Gun's panic, he tried to grab Mark's arm, but in his panic, he reached out too far and his hand landed between Mark's thighs.

"Uhh!" Mark jumped and spilled his pink lemonade all over Gun's hand and all over his pants.

Gun quickly withdrew his hand but Mark held it down and kept it between his thighs.

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