Chapter 3

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Gun's POV

After classes I did not want to go back to my unit. Pond would surely be at the lobby waiting for me to come home.

I did not want to see his face. I did not want to deal with his lies anymore. I had enough.

What lie was he going to say to me next. What excuse would he give me for the fact that I saw him coming out of the movie house with his arm wrapped around that person's shoulders and that person's arm wrapped around Pond's waist.

Why was Pond wasting his time on me when he obviously had someone else with whom he was obviously happy.

I could still hear the happy laughter that they shared as they walked out of the movie house.

Enough already, I told myself.

I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the library until it was dinner time. I planned to just eat dinner at one of the fast food places inside the university campus.

Then instead of going home to my unit, I planned to spend the night with my close friend Boat.

Then instead of going home to my unit, I planned to spend the night with my close friend Boat

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

For those who might not know him, his name is Boat Tara Tipa. He starred with Gun in the  BL series "Golden Blood" as Gun's love partner.

I took out my phone from my pocket as I walked out of my last class for the day.

I tapped on Boat's number.

"Hey, what's up," he said after taking my call.

"I ... I ..." I tried not to make my voice quiver.

"Something's wrong," he immediately said. "Tell me, I'm listening."

"Can I spend the night with you?" I asked.

"Of course," he said right away. "You want me to pick you up right now? Where are you?"

"I'm still at uni," I replied. "I need to go to the library and do some research. It might be evening by the time I finish, so I'm gonna go straight to one of the fast food places here at uni, then I'm gonna head over to your place."

"You want me to pick you up from there?" he asked again.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," I said. "I'm gonna text you when I'm on my way."

"Alright then, see you later," he said.

I headed straight for the library and went to the librarian's desk.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tan," I greeted him. "Would you please check for me that this book has not yet been checked out?"

I handed Mr. Tan the piece of paper where I had written down the title of the book that I wanted to read.

He took the paper and went on his computer to check the book's availability.

After less than a minute he handed back the paper to me saying, "It's still available."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tan," I said and went straight to the shelf where I had found that particular book the other day.

I had not realized that another student had joined me when I reached out for the book.

The other student's hand landed on mine as we both reached out for it.

We turned to face each other. His face looked familiar. Wasn't he the one who bumped into me at the cafeteria and had caught me in his arms to keep me from falling?

"I'm sorry," he said, releasing my hand quickly.

I noticed that he looked too young to be a senior student like me. I guessed that he could be a freshman or a sophomore at most.

I got curious and asked, "Are you a senior student? Because this book is on advanced pharmacology."

"I'm a freshman," he replied. "But I like to do advanced reading on my subjects."

Wow, was he aiming to graduate with a summa cum laude in Bachelor of Science major in Pharmacy?

"I see," I said politely. "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I got here ahead of you. You might want to check with the librarian if there are other books like this available."

"Sure," he said.

But he did not walk away as I expected he would.

He held out his hand to me and said, "By the way, my name is Mark. I'm a freshman in the Arts and Sciences Department and I'm hoping to graduate with a degree in Pharmacy."

I accepted his extended hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mark," I said. "And my name is Gun. I am hoping to graduate this year."

"I'm gonna look for a different book, but I would really like to get hold of that book once you're through with it, so if it's not gonna be a big trouble for you, could I give you my number so that you could text me to let me know when it's available for me to read?" he asked, giving me a friendly smile.

I hesitated. Should I give my number to someone whom I had just met.

I studied his face for a few seconds. Then against my better judgment I fished out my phone from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Here," I said. "Put in your number and I will text you when I'm finished with this book."

After a few seconds I heard his phone ringing in his pocket. My number had registered in his. I asked myself once more if it had been a wise thing for me to give a stranger my number.

"Thank you so much, Gun," he said as he handed me back my phone.

"Sure," I replied.

I wasn't so sure but I think I heard him say "Yesss!" under his breath as he walked away.

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