Chapter 4: One of a Kind

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    She'd never seen her best friend so shaken before. "Millie!" Blair cried, rushing over to her side anxiously. What in the Boiling Isles had happen? Blair couldn't hear the words Millicent were mouthing, her sobs and shaky breaths interrupting. " legs!" Millicent stuttered, half of her body a mound of horrific lavender goop. 

  That was when she noticed someone hiding in the shadows. Millicent cried out again, pointing at the hidden person. "Are you the culprit behind this?" Blair questioned, focusing her gaze between the dark shadows as hard as she could. A girl materialised from the shadows. 

  "Oh no. Looks like my spell went a teeny bit out of control. So sorry." But there wasn't a hint of sorrow from the girl's cold voice. There was even a smile on her face. Her three dark eyes stared right into Blair's. "Could you turn her back?" Blair added, "Please?" It was difficult to hide the fear in her own voice. What kind of magic was this? They hadn't learned anything. Even her friends who were in the abomination track wouldn't be able to do a spell like... like that. It was completely infuriating that Blair couldn't figure it out. How could someone even learn to cast a spell that turned your body into liquid? Maybe it was an illusion! Blair kneeled and placed a hand on Millicent's shoulder, her other gently touching the goop. Nope. It was still as wet as it had seemed, some of it sticking to her hand. Blair looked back up, wondering what the mysterious witch would do next. Maybe she could even learn some of that magic. Not that she would ever use it on anyone. Just, you know, in case something ever happened...

  The girl's eyes travelled to Millicent, who was still crying her heart out. Without a word, she raised her hand, manuevering it in way Blair had never seen before. But as a bright light flashed, Blair swore she saw her third eye light up. And as fast as she had appeared, the girl was gone, and so was the goop dripping from Millicent's waist. All that was left of the incident was a small puddle beneath Millicent's feet. 

  Millicent blinked, wiping away her tears. "It's...gone." She said, in disbelief. "She's gone." 

"Who was that? And why did she do that?" Blair asked. There was no way she had seen her before. Surely she would remember a creature with three eyes. Not that they weren't common, but they definitely stood out to Blair. She was a student in St. Epiderm for sure, just by looking at her uniform. But who?

  "It's...she's..." Millicent gulped. Blair gave her a look, nudging her to reveal the girl's identity.

  "...Twyla. She's Twyla. She must be some sort of new student, because Eve and I bumped into her in the hallway while she was stuffing a bunch of new textbooks into her locker. She's in the abomination track, same as Jules. I was just teasing her a little after lunch, when she went all creepy and did this to me! That sadistic little...she probably enjoyed every bit of my pain!" Millicent finished.

  "So this Twyla managed to do this to you? How dare she..." Blair fumed, noticing how Millicent seemed to flinch when she mentioned Twyla's name. But her anger subsided, realising what Millicent had meant by teasing. She had used that excuse all the time when laughing at Blair's faults and mocking her. Maybe it wasn't that bad? What if she really was teasing? 

There's a fine line between teasing and bullying.

  No. She had to get that voice out of her head. Millicent meant no harm. Plus, what Twyla had did to her was way worse than teasing. Blair glanced at the same spot Twyla had been standing earlier, promising herself something.

  Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it. I swear I'll get back at her for you, Mills. After all, isn't that what friends are for?  


  The clouds surrounded St. Epiderm as Blair headed indoors, preparing for the upcoming storm. Her day had been going well, especially after the incident.

 "Great job on winning the Grand Prix, Blair!" Alexis had commented while she was passing through the hallway. She nodded her head, acknowledging her old friend's compliment. Ever since yesterday after the Grand Prix, Blair had a strange sense of pride that engulfed her. Was that necessarily a bad thing? Not to her! She hurried to class before the demon bell had a chance to scream, signalling the beginning of her Oracle class. Thunder growled and roared, just as lightning flashed. 

A scream rang out as Blair stood there, confused. Because the scream hadn't came from the motionless demon bell. It had came from her

  Because right in front of her, a dead schoolmate was lying on the marble floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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