Chapter 3: Eyes of Heaven

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Millicent screamed, hurting Twyla's pointed ears. You're so annoying. A bitter thought echoed through Twyla's mind. I wish you could just—

No, she couldn't think about those kind of thoughts. Never. Not if she wanted to make it pass another year.

But really, all she could remember was the bright flash of a beam, as she stumbled backwards, the same screams ringing out from those around her.

"You, you monster." Her own mother had hissed, glaring at her left hand which was now a bloody stub. She had deserved it anyways. But Twyla couldn't forget the cries of fear that rang out every second, coming from those that she loved.

Could you even believe it? So she had made sure that they were never afraid of her ever again. There, problem solved! So how, exactly, did she end up at this stupid school?

Before Twyla even had time to recall more about her past, Millicent yelled out in pain again. Sheesh, couldn't a girl think in peace? Although, she may have had something to do with why Millicent was a big teary mess.

They had started it, making fun of her for being in the abomination track, so she had grinned and asked "Why don't I show you a real abomination?"

And then everything else from there had went downhill. Or uphill, depending on how you looked at it. Twyla preferred the latter.

Clearly, Millicent didn't agree. Maybe it had something to do with her two legs melting into the same purple liquid abominations were made out of.

"Turn. Me. Back. Now!" Millicent demanded, chest puffing up and down. Her friends had long ran off, abandoning her the moment she no longer had legs.

Whatever. Not even a 'pretty please'? How rude of her. Twyla began walking in the direction of her Biology class. She observed a clock hanging up on the nearby wall.

"You freak! Turn me back right now!" Millicent commanded, her voice turning desperate. Twyla felt all three of her eyes turn back sharply to stare at the girl, and so did her head. "What?"

"You heard me!" The half-girl, half-abomination snapped loudly. "Make me normal again!"

What a childish, immature person. She deserved to be taught a lesson.

Twyla cracked a smile.

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