Skytato (texting)

432 13 0

Published 5/5/15 or Tues. May 5th, 2015

A/N~ Hey guys I finally decided to a skytato I was gonna make it a skyenja then I was like nah I'll keep it as skytato.

Tyler sat on his bed texting Adam. He'd been sitting downstairs, bored for almost twenty minutes before he decided to text him. He figured it would be fun, plus he didn't know what else to do.


'hi :P'

'I'm bored'


'help me b unbored'

'wanna hear a dirty joke'


'my friend fell in a puddle'

'Really -_-'

'Yeah, I pushed him'

'that's mean'

'Ik' Tyler smirked as he got an idea. 'Guess what' he typed, waiting for a reply. 'What'


'um... no'

'fine #munchinguniverse'

'no you're mine they can GTFO'



'Yeah right.' Tyler typed and shook his head. Adam wouldn't do that. 'You'd be surprised' Adam typed, Tyler smirked. 'Oh, really?'

'#skytato, you're mine and mine only ;)'

'What if they want me to be shared'

'Well that's #toobad you're mine'

'Fine, you should come over'

'Already almost there ;)'

'Oh, can't wait ;)'

A/N~ hey guys hope you enjoyed this Skytato one shot um... if you want leave a request either in the comments or message me IDC and until then PEACE LOVE YOU GUYS :) :P

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