Simbakidil/Simdil961 (haunted house)[reviewed]

419 6 1

4/12/15 or Sunday April 12th, 2015

"Are you Serious!" Simon exclaimed, Baki nodded. "One hundred percent," he said. "Dude I feel bad for you it's gotta be bad living in that house," Baki shrugged. "I mean it's not really that bad I just have to deal with some problems," Baki said. "Yeah but I mean think about it living in a haunted house with ghosts (GHOSTEEZ!) After you almost constantly-" Baki cut him off. "Trust me if it was that much of an issue I would have moved out already." The two just nodded. Baki walked home happy with himself, he had made friends, sure he had lied to get them but he made friends. His house wasn't haunted, it had never been. Honestly he had the best place he could ever ask for, the other kids thought it was haunted though so he played along. I mean it got him friends didn't it? He walked inside throwing his stuff on the ground and running upstairs. He had to admit he was really tired and was scaring himself more than anyone else with these stories. He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep when he heard a thump. He jumped and opened his eyes, blinking in confusion. He walked downstairs and looked around. His parents weren't home and wouldn't be for another day so what could have the noise been? Another thump and Baki jumped again. He walked thinking about going to Bodil's house, that probably would've ended bad though. As soon as another thump sounded though he grabbed his stuff running out of the house and to Bodil's. He knocked at the door and Bodil answered a few seconds later, Simon behind him. "Hey Baki," Bodil said. "Hey, is it ok if I stay at your house tonight?" Baki asked. "Yeah, sure, what have the ghosts started bothering you too much?"

"About that..."

"What is it?" He asked. "I lied." Baki mumbled. "What?" They asked. "I lied but I'm starting to think it's not a lie," Baki said. "Why'd you lie?" Simon asked. "Everyone thought the house was haunted, I needed friends, and when I started telling those stories everyone thought I was cool so I just... kept it that way," Baki said. "You know you could've just talked to us, we would've gladly been your friend," Simon said. "Yeah cause everyone just wants to be my friend," Baki said. Bodil and Simon nodded simultaneously. "We want to be your friend even if your house isn't haunted and you don't have stories to tell," Bodil said. "Why?" Baki asked. "Because we're your friends for your personality and not the stories you tell or how cool you are." Baki stared at them in disbelief. He had lied to everyone and these two still wanted to be his friends. "You're serious?" Baki asked. "We would never lie about being someone's friend," Simon said. "So you don't care about the fact that I lied."

"A little but we can get over it."

"So now what?"

"We have the best sleepover ever."

A/N~ yay I finally finished a one of 3-4 one shots that were requested. Sorry its just with school and all its hard to update plus I kinda had trouble thinking of a plot so I actually had to search up short story ideas but I promise I will get back on track, I dont know when exactly but I will, trust me anyway IMA dedicate this chapter to engaged_racer58 and if you guys have any requests youre welcome to leave it in the comments just tell me a ship and optional plot if you want and I'll start working on it asap so anyway guys hope you enjoyed this one shot and peace :)

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