Setolox (Thinking of you)

420 16 6

Published 6/18/15 or June 18th, 2015

Ty was staring out the window at the clouds in the sky and pouring rain. He couldn't stop thinking about Seto. His pale skin, Bright hazel eyes, and shy personality made him simply adorable. The thing was though Seto would never like him back. Seto already had a boyfriend and they seemed perfectly happy together. It's not that Ty didn't like Kyle because he did. Kyle was a sweet boy just like Seto and they were perfect together. It would've been a lie though if Ty said said he wasn't at least a little jealous. He heard a light knock from downstairs and walked to the door. He opened the door a slight bit to see Seto. His eyes were glazed over with tears and he was soaked. Ty gasped pulling him inside and running to grab a towel. He came back quickly wrapping the towel around Seto and pulling him over to the couch. "What happened?" Ty asked. Seto shook his head, letting out a sob. Ty wrapped his arms around Seto, holding him tightly. "K-Kyle..." Seto said. "What did Kyle do?" Ty asked. Ty swore if Kyle had hurt Seto Ty would be the first to personally dig Kyle's grave. "H-he..."

"He broke up with you." Seto nodded, letting out another sob as he shivered. Ty shushed him and pushed some of Seto's hair out of his face. "Why?" Seto shook his head and shrugged. "H-he just t-told me I wa-wasn't good enough, h-he told me th-that he found some-someone better." Seto said. "Oh, Seto..." Ty stopped and sighed. "Kyle's just a bitch, he didn't deserve you anyway, you're too good for him." Ty said. "W-what am I go-gonna do?" Seto asked. "Listen Seto if he left you and doesn't realize how good you actually are then he's not worth it, He was a horrible person to let you go and you deserve someone so much better than Kyle." Ty said. Seto sniffled, looking up at Ty. "Y-you know, I think I already have someone." Seto said. "Oh, and who's that?" Ty asked. "You." Ty looked at Seto. "Well I mean if you want- you don't- I mean I just-" Ty cut off Seto's rambling and kissed him. "I'd love that." Ty said and smiled.

A/N~ alright there we go... It's officially 1:30 in the morning where I am and I just finished this. On the brightside it's SUMMER!!! Which means a lot of free time... anyway if you want to leave a request either in the comments or message me IDC. So hope you guys enjoyed this one shot and see you guys later PEACE!!! :* :) I'm going to bed ZZZZZzzzzz.....

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