Ed the great and powerful- Book 1

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Ed is my father, I will not say my name, he neglected me, I hate him for it. I needed to get out of his toxic household he treated me like shit... Like a maid... I always had to make things for him, like coffee. And he was selfish, he never shared any of his money even when he had loads ..... If only I was free of this pain I thought. Then I did. One dark, gloomy night I conducted a plan. A plan that would end my misery. Little did I know, my own father was more powerful then I ever knew. That night he asked me for coffee as usual as he lay across his long expensive leather couch with his bare feet in the air, he was drying them out. The smell was a burning sensation through everyone in a miles radius noses. Yellow and meager were his pointy toe nails. Disgusting. After I got over the foul stench I began to go through with my plan. A death that would definitely look accidental to everyone. As I was making his coffee and avocado bagels, I slipped the large pit of the avocado into his drink. One could presume it fell in.... "Give it here bitch!!" He shouted from across the room as I finished up. He snatched it from me.... I eagerly watched him take a gulp of his bitter coffee, bitter like him... Ed has a large mouth, one that could fit the avocado pit in perfectly, like it was meant to be there, like the last piece of a puzzle.... A muffled noise came from his avocado pit filled mouth, he choked and squirmed on his dusty couch. A single tear fell from his eye, the eyes that looked at me. I lent forward and whispered "you shouldn't of treated me like a maid...."

The world was shocked by his sudden "accidental death". No one knew the truth as he always hid his neglecting from the media, they just presumed he made the coffee.... His forged will left all his assets to me. I took the money and fled the country to a tropical island where I renamed myself Judas, a metaphor to my secret betrayal. A place where no one could find me, at least that's what I thought. A storm was brewing and the storm was ginger... Little did I know my father, Ed Sheeran, was more powerful then I thought

Ed the great and powerful Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ