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'Can I come to your flat for a bit so we can go through your song?' Ricky asked, once the others had gone off to their flats.

I sighed. I was seriously too tired after rehearsing all day, but I guessed it had to be done. I had to get this song nailed. And I might as well just get it done. After all, this was all helping me forget that it was my birthday. 'Sure,' I said, digging my key out of my pocket and unlocking my door.

The flat was completely dark inside - the perks of winter, seeing as it was only six. I switched the light on, suddenly illuminating the whole flat. And people in it.

In particular, Simon, Peanut, Whitey, and Vijay from Kaiser Chiefs, and Rita, Will, and Tom. All stood in my flat, as if it was nothing.
'Happy Birthday, Hazel.' Ricky said from behind me.
'Wow,' I breathed, smiling like an idiot.

'Ricky, she's even better not on the camera.' Simon said, fake whispering, and we all laughed. 'Nice to meet you in the flesh, Hazel.' He said.
'Wait, is this a party or a funeral?' Lexi said from behind. 'Because I don't hear any partying.'

We all laughed again, and moved further into my flat.

'I know you said you didn't want much, but I couldn't help it. I mean, how could I resist throwing possibly the most amazing party ever?' Ricky said, and then going to my fridge.
'You'll be lucky to find anything in there.' I laughed. I had been eating take-aways every night here so far, and I hadn't been bothered to even go out and stock up on drinks, so my fridge was bare.
Or so I thought. 'Wow, I must be really lucky then,' Ricky said, raising his eyebrows. Inside the fridge were plenty of drinks. And pizza. There was only one person who would buy pizza.
'Lexi, how the hell did you get keys to my flat to bring shopping?'
'The spare set.' She said. 'Ricky gave them to me.' As if it was completely normal to just go into someone's flat and fill their fridge. But then again, coming from Lexi, that did seem pretty normal. How the hell did Ricky get my spare keys though? They were usually hung up on the board by my door...
Ricky looked at me as if he heard my thoughts. 'What? I grabbed them when you weren't looking when I came to pick you up. It's not that hard.'

They had thought about this. I could tell. You wouldnt be able to do this without planning.

Simon walked over, as Ricky walked off to talk to Vijay. Yeah, Simon from Kaiser Chiefs was coming to talk to me. Help.
'So, you happy?' Simon asked, as if we had always known each other.
'Of course I am.' I said. 'I mean, having a party with so many famous people, who wouldn't?' I laughed. It was so strange to be in the same room as so many singers. It was like a dream. I just never wanteed to have to wake up.
'Ricky seems a lot happier.' Simon said, looking over at him. He was still over with Vijay, a bottle of beer in his hand, and laughing over something. He did look happy.
'Yeah,' I said, not knowing what else I could say about it. I had only just met him really, so I didn't know if he had changed.
'When he split up with Lesley, he was going through a bit of a though time.' Simon said. 'But lately he's been so much happier. I haven't seen him so happy in a while.'

I remember seeing the news about him and Lesley. I was so heartbroken to hear that they had broken up, because they had been together for five years, and in all of the photos of them, they always seemed so happy. It just shows how much you really see in a photo. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if the emotions in the picture aren't real? Then, it's worth a thousand lies. They wanted people to think things are okay, and they didn't want a big deal. That was why they told people so long after breaking up. THey didn't want it to be a big thing. ANd Ricky was obvioulsy heartbroken. I hadn't ever brought this up with Ricky, because I didn't want to start anything. I just kept completely quiet about all of it.

'Anyway,' Simon said. 'Birthday presents!' And at the same time, everyone went quiet. 'Because these lot didn't want to give you them individually, they're all on the table over there.' He said, pointing to my dining table. I hadn't noticed the massive stack of presents on the table before. Just shows how observant I was.

I walked over to the table, and picked up the first present. I felt like a little kid again. It was from mum. I thought she had forgotten to get me something, or to say anything since I hadn't heard anything all day.
'Oh,' Ricky said, seeing me pick up the present. 'Your mum gave that to me when she came to bring your stuff so you could have it. She says she can't get any time off at work to come today.' Ricky said.
Mum's work was never too harsh on holidays, so I didn't understand why they didn't let her take the day off. They almost always did.

I unwrapped the gift, and it was a book. It was the novel of the film 'Labyrinth'. I had wanted it for so long, but it was first published when the film came out, and not published again until now. At least she got me something I was desperate for.
'Geek' Rita coughed, and I laughed.
'And proud of it.' I said back.

I picked up anither present, this one was smaller, and soft inside.
'And that's mine.' Ricky said, smiling.
I unwrapped it, wondering what Ricky would actually get me. Inside, was something wrapped in tissue paper. I carefully unwrapped the tissue paper, and it revealed a pastel pink guitar strap, with black lettering along it that said my name. It was pretty sweet, and it would match my new guitar really well.
'Thanks Ricky.' I said, smiling. It was such a sweet present.

I unwrapped the rest of the presents, which included some PVG books form Lexi - totally hinting that I should play guitar more - and a Kaiser Chiefs sticker for my guitar from the band, along with a vinyl of EEE&W.

Whitey picked up a guitar, and Ricky walked over to him.
'Ready?' Whitey asked, and Ricky nodded.
Whitey began to play Oh My God, and as soon as the song started, Ricky began singing.

Ricky Wilson was singing at my birthday.

As soon as they finished, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out.
'You may want to see this...' A text from Megan read, followed by a link. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what that link was to, but I clicked into it anyway. Coming from Megan, it was probably a website with a picture of a cute puppy on or something. That was her usual sort of thing.

But instead, it wasn't.

'Ricky Wilson Getting Close To Voice Contestant'

The whole room disappeared around me. I made my way to my bedroom, not knowing if anyone saw me, but also not caring.

I sat down on my bed. I was scared to look at the rest of the article. I didn't want to know what else it said. But I had to know. I had to know what people thought was happening.

'Heartthrob Ricky Wison, a coach on The Voice, has been spotted getting strangely close to a girl on his team on the show. Hazel Jones, 18, stunned all of the coaches, and the public with her amazing singing, right from the blind auditions. But no one was quite as amazed as coach Ricky Wilson.

Just days after being photographed running with her coach before a show, now she has been seen getting close to him in a coffee shop. Seen in an argument with her father, she has Ricky backing her up, and helping her out. Her father is said to have said that she 'can't be with him', the 'him' meaning Ricky Wilson.

Is this the end for Hazel on The Voice? '

There were photos too. One that was took when we were running together. Another from inside Starbucks, when Ricky was stood behind me. And one more of us in the car together.

This would really be it. Any relationships were banned betweet coaches and contestants. And they would throw me out for these rumours. It was all wrecked..

'Hazel?' Simon was knocking on my door. 'Are you okay?'
'Yeah, sure.' I said. I had to deal with this on my own. I had to just quit, and save the embarrassment of being thrown off the show.
'You're not.' Simon said, opening the door. 'I can tell.'

He walked in and sat down on my bed next to me. I explained everything to him. I couldn't help it.
'The producers will want to talk to you, but you just have to tell them the truth. Then it will be okay. And if it's not, you won't lose Ricky. I will promise you that.'

Promises never happened, though. They always seemed to be lies. And my dream just turned into a nightmare.

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