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It wasn't a dream, was it?

It was seven in the morning, and I've just come to the realisation that what happened definitely wasn't a dream. I remembered it all too well for it to be a dream.

I got up and went downstairs, not even stopping to check my phone first.

Mum was up, and she was sat in front of the TV in the lounge.
'Morning,' I said, sitting down on the other settee.
'Hey,' Mum said. 'You sound cheery for this early in the morning.' Mum said.
I shrugged. 'Ricky is meant to be ringing me today to talk about what's happening with the next round.' I said, as if it was the most normal thing ever. It took a lot of effort to say it like that, because I wanted to scream it. I wanted everyone to know. I wanted the whole world to know.

But they couldn't. It was just me and my mum who knew.

I went upstairs and had a shower, and then got ready. My hair seemed extremely wavy today. Well, that made it seem that today would be one of those days I would have to spend half an hour trying to tame it with my hair straighteners. Great. At least I wasn't in a rush to get anywhere today.

I went back into my room, and opened my curtains. It was way too light at this time.

I noticed my phone on my bedside table, still charging, and untouched so far this morning.

I picked it up and looked at the notifications on the home screen. There were a few more than usual.

Twitter - @Rickontour is now following you!
Instagram - Ricky Wilson (@rickontour) is following you.

How had he found me on them? Had he seriously gone searching for my name in both of them? He must have, that was the only way he could find me.

I also had loads of other followers, so many new followers. Well, Ricky doesn't follow many people back, so of course people would follow me because Ricky does. I bet they would even decide to start rumours soon - because Ricky was following a girl that no-one knew, what other reasons were there?

Just as I was going into my Instagram to sort out all of my new notifications, my phone started ringing. I was a bit confused at first, because the name that flashed up on screen was 'The Angry Mob', but then I realised that was what Ricky put his name under.
I answered my phone. 'Thanks for following me Ricky.' I said, smiling. I realised that he could probably hear the smile in my voice.
'Oh, so I did follow the right Hazel Jones then.' He said, and laughed. 'Do you know quite how hard it was for me to find you?' He said.
'Honestly,' I said 'No. I don't tend to search for my own name into Twitter and Instagram and scroll through everyone to find myself.' I laughed back at him.
'Oh, yeah.' Ricky said. 'I didn't quite think of it in that way. Anyway, we need to talk about music.' Ricky replied, changing the subject. Of course he would change the subject away from him being an idiot.
'Yeah, music.' I repeated, unsure what else to say.
'It's going to be in two weeks when we film the next stage, and that is when you're going to be singing in the battles. I'm putting you with a girl called Hannah, because you both are really similar. But trust me, I know that you will sing this much better than she will.'

At least I was going to be singing with another girl. I felt a lot more confident around girls.

'Have you heard Halo, by Ane Brun? It's used in that film-'
'If I Stay.' I interrupted him without even realising. I loved that film so much. I loved the book. I read the whole book in one day, and then I couldn't wait for the film to come out. It has one of the best soundtracks.
'So you know it?' Ricky asked, interrupting my thoughts.
'Yeah,' I said. 'I love Ane Brun's cover of it.' I said.
'Good.' He said. 'Because that's what you'll be singing in the battles.'

I seemed to lose all of my breath in one go. It was a lot like when I saw Ricky turn.

'I-I can't.' I stuttered. 'Ricky, I can't sing that.' I repeated.

I didn't want to ruin an amazing song. I knew I would ruin it. I couldn't sing it anywhere near as well as Ane Brun does.
'Hazel,' Ricky said. 'You really can do this. I know you can. The song is almost perfect for the diversity of your voice.'
'RIcky, I can't. The song is amazing, and I would just ruin it.'
'Please, just try it.' Ricky said. 'Just give it a try.'

I wasn't going to get anywhere with him. I knew that he wasn't going to give in to me any time soon.

'I'll try it,' I said. 'But I can't say I will be any good at me.'
'Trust me,' Ricky said. 'You could sing anything and I would listen.'

'I'll hold you to that.' I laughed.

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