I looked over to Max, she was listening to her walkman, tapping her shoulder she looked over to me and pulled her headphones down- Kate Bush playing in the background. "This sucks, huh." I smiled- seeing Max giggle a bit at my start of a conversion. "Totally. Really didn't want to start my spring break with a demon trying to kill me." She said back. "Right? Dude needs to get a hobby-"

"One that doesn't involve killing people." Max cuts in. I chuckled and gestured to her cassette. "What else are you listening to right now?" The red head hums in thought for a bit but she answers with a small smile. "Billy's been trying to get me into Def leppard. But I'm not getting a feel for them." I nodded and gestured to Eddie- who walked ahead a bit to talk to Billy. Chrissy rolled her eyes at the boys and slowed down a bit to walk next to us. "Eddie's been trying to get me into Metallica- which he has been successful with, but I told him I'd listen to them if he started listening to Queen." I smiled as Chrissy hooked her arm with mine. "Does he like them?" Max asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I've even got him to listen to a bit of Madonna." I giggled, Chrissy puffs her cheeks and tries not to let out a loud laugh but fails. Grabbing the attention of Eddie and Billy. "Wait. Really?" Lucas chuckled, he thought it was funny to see someone like Eddie listening to Madonna. "What's so funny, Sinclair?" "What's so funny, babe?" Eddie and Billy said at the same time, Billy smirked at Chrissy. "Oh, nothing." She smiled. "I don't trust that look." Billy pointed between the four of us. "Sinclair, come on." Billy waved his hand. "What were they talking about?" Billy asked, Lucas looked between Max, Chrissy and me. All of us silently told him not to spill the beans. "Sorry, man. But I'm scared of them more than you." Lucas shrugged his shoulders. Billy narrowed his eyes at Lucas but nodded. "Smart man." Billy said as he and Eddie went back to talking. My eyes met Eddie's and he sent me a wink. I smiled, continuing our conversion.

Night fell upon us as we followed Dustin back towards Lover's Lake. When we were a few feet in, I froze in place- remembering Patrick following up into the air and his bones snapping- his eyes being plucked from his skull. That's what would've happened to Chrissy- to me, to Max, and to Billy. I jumped when I felt a hand on my lower back- looking to my left I see Eddie with a concerned look in his big brown eyes. "You okay, Sweetheart?" He asked, the others walking ahead a bit. I shook my head and let out a shaking breath. "What happened to Patrick could possibly happen to us." I gestured to myself, Max, Chrissy, and Billy. Eddie shook his head and leaned his forehead on mine. "I swear to you- I won't let anything happen to you." Eddie promised as he held up his pinky. I smiled and hooked my pinky with his. "So Venca leaves gates open like the demogorgon?" I asked as we all stood at the edge of the lake- the place where Eddie and I ditched the boat. "One way to find out." Dustin said, pointing to the boat. Robin was the first to get in the boat, then Eddie- who held his hand out for Nancy and I, Dustin was about to walk on, but was stopped by Steve. "Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us?" Steve said. "This boat holds four people tops, okay? Besides, this is for the best- you stay here with the others." Steve said. "You keep an eye out for trouble." Nancy said, Dustin scuffed. "You keep an eye out, it's my goddamn theory." Dustin said.

"You heard Nancy." Robin smirked. "Who put her in charge?" Dustin asked. "I did." Robin said. "Compass." I said, holding my hand out for Dustin to toss me the thing. Billy grabbed it out of his hand and tossed it to me. Dustin gasping when Steve got on the boat at the minute. "You said four!" Dustin shouted below a whisper. "Sorry." Steve whispered. "Bedtime at nine, kiddos!" Eddie shouted, waving goodbye. "Miss you already!" Robin chimed in.

"Be safe!" Chrissy shouted, I gave her a thumbs up as we rowed out. Stopping right in the middle of the lake, Nancy tells us the compass is telling us the gate should be right below us. "Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy asked as he took his shirt off. I chuckled when I saw Nancy checking him out. "Somebody has to go down there- Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then..." I straightened my back and took off my jacket. "Woah, woah! I don't think so-" Eddie said, trying to stop me from going. "I can go too. You'd be surprised how touch cheer practices can be on the lungs." I slowly walked to the edge of the boat next to him, nodding to him waiting for his say. "Ready?" I smiled, he sighed but smiled back. "No complaints." I pointed behind me. Eddie sighed and held my jacket to his chest. "Hey, I'm not complaining." Robin smiled, patting my bum. I rolled my eyes and we jumped into the lake. Swimming down, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary- a few rocks, some empty bottles and surprisingly a lot of loose tires littered the lake floor. Steve tapped my shoulder and pointed ahead of him, there we saw a faint glowing red. Looking closer, we saw tentacles moving around it. I placed my hand on Steve's forearm and pointed up- he nodded and we swam back to the surface- breaking through the water we swam to the edge of the boat. Nancy and Eddie holding out their hands for us. "We found it!" I said, wiping the lake water off my face. "Really?" Nancy asked, Steve nodded. "Dustin, you goddamn genius." Robin said.

Just as Steve and I were about to be pulled out of the water- I felt something wrap around my leg. "What the-!" I was dragging under water and noticed one of those tentacles pulling me towards the snack size gate- looking to my right I see another one dragging Steve. Trying to rip and claw the thing off- it did nothing as we were pulled through the gate. "What the fuck?!" I shouted, coughing up lake water. "(Y/n)!" Steve shouted as he pointed to a group of flying creatures coming towards us. A few landed on Steve- "Steve!" I shouted as I ran over to him, pulling the bat like things off him. But before I could get the one around his neck off- one landed on my back- wrapping its tail around my throat. Pulling me to the ground- knocking the air out of my lungs, two more landed on my side and began ripping through my shirt. "AAHHH!" My scream and Steve's mixed together as the bats began taking bites out of our sides.

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