Chapter 4: Assistance

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+I just want to clarify some things before we get on with the story. Whenever we are in the Elemental Mindscape they are usually called by their first and second-tier names. The Malay is like their names to us while English is like their names to the Malay. Copy?

+The Elemental Mindscape is like a world of their own and they're like humans there.

+They switch between their second-tier and first-tier because the second tiers are more impulsive than the first. It's easier for Gempa/Tanah to handle them. More questions can be asked, and I will answer them in the comments ^^


The sun started to set when the two reached the house. It wasn't a far walk, just about 10 minutes away from the stadium. Gempa let Ori take control again when they arrived at the house. It would drain his owner if he stayed in control for too long.

Bbb yawned while Aizawa opened the door and turned on the lights once he was inside. Bbb followed after, and wow-ed a the sight.

The walls were painted bright yellow and it was very modern looking. Though his TAPOPS room was way more advanced, it still surprised him that the house looked pristine.

The bandaged man went to the kitchen when he made a groan of annoyance. He realized that he couldn't cook, since both of his hands were in casts (I'm pretty sure both).

"Is something wrong, mister?" Bbb asked. He locked the front door and headed to the kitchen after he heard Aizawa groan.

"It's nothing, kid. I just can't cook food with these casts, and the old lady who put these on won't let me remove them," Aizawa instead, went to the living room and played the news on the TV -which took a bit due to the struggle-.

Bbb pitied the teacher. How would he eat without hands to assist him?

He thought for a bit, he thought, and thought, until he came up with an idea.

It's a simple idea, really. Just cook for him! It isn't that hard. Maybe he can make Tok Aba's hot chocolate as well. If he doesn't have the ingredients, he could just go to the grocery they passed on their way to the house.

Okay, it's time to get started!

Bbb looked through the cabinets for the ingredients, and writing down the missing ones on a notepad he found on the counter. 

Once he gathered most of the ingredients, he asked Aizawa if he could go to the grocery store. He made a sound of confirmation, but not before warning him of the dangers and giving him just enough money for the grocery.

Bbb thanked him and quickly ran out of the house before locking the door again. The elemental user put the money in his jacket pocket and started walking in the direction of the grocery store.

Wait, he could just dash there. Bbb didn't want to take too much time out on the road because the ingredients could start spoiling or rotting. Definitely not because he's lazy, pfft, no way!

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning!" The color of Bbb's clothes transitioned into yellow as he took control of Petir's form.

'Just in case a villain is strolling around, I should keep the second-tiers hidden. I can't reveal everything just yet,'

"Lightning Dash!" A bolt of lightning zoomed past a few bystanders and stopped right in front of the store. The automatic doors opened, greeting the lightning element with cool air.

'Gotta do this fast,' Lightning, dashed through the store while grabbing the items on the list. He brought it all to the counter and waited for the cashier to finish "cashiering". It was ironic how fast he was in grabbing the ingredients, and how slow the cahier was scanning the ingredients.

 Once she finished, he put the estimated amount of money on the counter and dashed out of the store.

It started raining apparently, causing water to gather up into puddles on the sidewalks. Avoiding the puddles would be the best way of not electrocuting anyone, so he did just that. Bbb dashed all the way to Aizawa's house, only a few droplets landed on him, and the groceries, which he counts as a win.

Bbb quickly reverted back and opened the door to avoid getting splashed by the rain drops when he was met with the bandaged Aizawa.

"Uh, sir? Are you okay?" Bbb received a grunt in response.

"It's nothing. It started raining a few minutes ago, and you left for groceries," Aizawa went back to the couch after that.

Boboiboy locked the door and went to the kitchen with the groceries.

Time to make dinner!

20 minutes later...

"Hey kid, what's all this?" Once Bbb finished preparing the food, he set up the dining table and went back to the kitchen to prepare Tok Aba's hot chocolate. Aizawa stopped watching the news when the scent of the food reached him. He got up and walked toward the table.

Bbb finished making two cups of hot chocolate and brought them to the table. He motioned Aizawa to sit down as he placed the cups down.

"Since you said you couldn't cook with your hands in the cast, I thought that I could cook for us! I also made my grandfather's hot chocolate. It's not the same as his, but it's close-,"

"Kid, I can't eat with these bandages on,"


"Take them off," That wasn't a question.

"I can use some healing herbs to at least make it okay for you to not wear the casts," It took Bbb a moment before realizing the problem.

"Right... You can't take them off..," Bbb brought Aizawa to the couches so he could remove the bandages and the casts.

"Uhm, sir, could you close your eyes? The way I'm gonna do it might blind you," Boboiboy requested.

Aizawa found it weird that the way to take off the casts could "blind him", but if it means taking off the restraints then so be it. The teacher nodded and closed his eyes.

He heard Bbb mutter something before a bright light appeared in his vision. Apparently, it actually would've blinded him if he looked at it from how close he is. The light stayed in his darkened vision as he felt the cast come off of his arm. The light blinked, and he felt his other arm stretch freely.

"You can open your eyes again, sir. I'll have to get the herbs in the kitchen, so don't move yet," Aizawa saw Bbb leave for the kitchen when he opened his eyes.

Aizawa's arms were free from the casts which were on the floor, broken in half by some sort of laser. He proceeded to take off all the excess bandages that were on his face and arms.

It took a few minutes for the elemental hero to make all of the herbs, but he didn't complain.

"I have the herbs, sir! Don't move too much," Bbb had a bowl with crushed herbs mixed with a bit of water to make a cream-like substance.

The elemental user sat next to Aizawa and gently took his arm. 

On closer inspection, you could see crack-like scars running across his elbow and fading towards his wrist.

Boboiboy took a deep breath and applied the cream to the areas where the scars start and where it fades out. It hurt for him to see scars and wounds on people, he doesn't get them, just bruises and scratches. Even when he fought Retak'ka he only got bruises, and scars that at least lasted for a day.

Tough skin his dad always says.

Ehem. Anyways, Boboiboy finished slathering the cream across the scars and proceeded to wrap bandages around the arm. The scars were quite new so he made sure to not wrap them too tightly.

"Thanks, kid. Where'd you learn how to make herbal medicine?" Aizawa asked as he checked out his bandaged arm.

"Uhm... I had a teacher. He.. uh.. brought me to a forest and taught me... which plants I could make into medicine! Yeah..," Aizawa didn't buy it for one second, but he took it. There's probably a reason why he won't tell.

They both sat down at the table and ate dinner quietly.

Tomorrow's another day...


Wow... I kept forgetting how to write hahaha

I want you guys to send me criticism (the good kind) so I can improve on my writing! 

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