Chapter 3: A Place To Stay

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+I just want to clarify some things before we get on with the story. Whenever we are in the Elemental Mindscape they are usually called by their first and second-tier names. The Malay is like their names to us while English is like their names to the Malay. Copy?

+The Elemental Mindscape is like a world of their own and they're like humans there.

+They switch between their second-tier and first-tier because the second tiers are more impulsive than the first. It's easier for Gempa/Tanah to handle them. More questions can be asked, and I will answer them in the comments ^^


"Excuse me, Sir Aizawa, who are the final contestants?," Boboiboy asked. They asked one of the staff for an extra chair for Boboiboy to sit in.

"Just call me Aizawa, and it's Bakugou and Todoroki. The explosion boy and the peppermint. I'm pretty sure you saw them during your short time in the corner," Aizawa replied in a tired tone.

Boboiboy sweatdropped. He tried to explain why he was in the corner before when fire erupted from the four corners of the stage.

"This is the last battle of the UA Sports Festival! This match will decide who stands at the top of the first year!" Mic said through the microphone while making hand movements and spinning in his chair.

"In other words, it's the final match! Todoroki Shoto, from the Hero course versus Bakugou Katsuki from the hero course!" Mic introduced loudly making Boboiboy cover his ears slightly. 

Every burst of his voice sounded like a popping balloon and he could feel the fear bubbling up inside him.

"It starts now!" The fight commences.

Out of nowhere, Aizawa handed over a pair of earmuffs to Boboiboy after noticing his discomfort. Bbb smiled and took the earmuffs gratefully before putting them over his ears. It sounded like all the noises were nullified. Man if he had this every time he slept it would be pure silence in his TAPOPS room.

The moment was ruined when the room they were in started to shake. Todoroki immediately used his big iceberg attack to block off Bakugou and possibly immobilize him. The said boy retaliated and started firing off explosions at the incoming attack. 

"Damn you!" the pomeranian yelled.

"Todoroki attacks right away! Is he trying to keep Bakugou away? Do we already have a winner?!" Mic yells in excitement. It sounded like a whisper through the earmuffs though.

Boboiboy sat in his chair, staring into nothingness as the fight played out.

[]Elemental Mindscape[]

"Woo! You get him Peppermint!" Api cheered. Angin and Daun took interest in the pomeranian- they decided to entitle him- because of his explosions. 

Api and Air took interest in Todoroki because of his ice and fire powers, like their fusion, Frostfire.  The other elements were off doing their own thing. Though, Light seems to be analyzing some stuff about the fight.

Tanah went out of his kitchen area and cleared his throat.

"Ehem. Everyone, please listen to me for a moment," All the elementals turned to the mother figure but a few weren't really paying attention.

"We need to find a place to stay until we can find a way home. Ori can't just stay awake the entire time we're here. If he does he-"

"He won't be able to transform to any of us," Solar interrupted. Tanah nodded.

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