Chapter Twelve

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"Oh fuck" he whispers and I clench my eyes closed. Because maybe that will make it go away, or more like make it come, the feeling between my legs that is missing.

Always fucking missing.

Levi pulls our hips together again as he pushes my panties aside, and his fingers glide along me

"Levi, wait" I say quickly pulling myself away from him but it's to late, and he knows.

"Levi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I say looking at the look on his face makes me want to cry.

"I wasn't ready, I'm not ready for this yet it's just so fast" I say quickly but then he suddenly between my legs again husbands on either sides of my face and he's smiling at me.

"It's alright, hey, it's ok" he says reassuringly his thumbs stroking my cheek and a wave s gratefulness pulses through my body.

"Thank you." I say and he kissed me tenderly I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him to me resting my head on his shoulder and just letting him hold me.

"We should go." I say he nods snd I hop off the desk. I open the door and walk out him following close behind, Nathan was sitting at the bar watching us come out penny and Noah were busy sitting on the couch talking, smiling at each other like idiots.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask walking over to Nathan and sitting down next to him pulling my bowl back towards me.

"Not sure, whatever you want to do" he says looking over at me a smile placed on his lips, it was gentle and natural

"Well I don't really know" I said taking a bite of my fruit.

"Noah!" Penny says loudly from the couch as if she were mad.

"Why didn't you remind us!?" She asks he smiled sheepishly "god now we have to go get you stuff" she says and my eyebrows knit together

"Umm, for what?" I ask penny whips her head around to face me

"It's his birthday, tomorrow!" She says and I smile and he shrug's

"It's not a big deal" he says a blush coloring his cheeks i sand up and walk over to him ruffling his hair

"Of course it is! It's your eighteenth birthday" I say sitting next to penny draping my hand over her shoulders

"What do you want?" I ask she shrug's

"Nothing really in particular, just don't spend a lot of money on me" he says I smile and look at penny

"Ok in the car everybody now!" I say standing up and walking to the door grabbing the keys on the way out.

                               • • •

"What did you get him?" I whisper to Levi in the back seat, I'm sandwiched between him and Nathan they grin at each other

"You'll have to wait and see" Nathan says leaning back I groan and lean my head onto Levi's shoulder

"So guys, we were talking to some people, there's a party tomorrow night, I was thinking we should go in honor of the one and only Noah" penny says glancing back at us in the rear view mirror

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