Page 22 - Floor 2 Boss!

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Lucien and Astraeus headed further into the forest where they met a pack of werewolves, with the chief in the middle of the pack. Lucien looks at Astraeus and asks. "You think we can take that on? We kinda struggled with just that one werewolf before, and now there's THAT many of them." Lucien points at the werewolf pack, and Astraeus laughs. "Of course we can, dude, we're the main characters, right? You and me, we form the best damn team in the entirety of the universe." Astraeus fist bumps Lucien as they head head-on into the pack, fighting intensively.

Astraeus quickly takes down one werewolf and rushes towards another, jumping up and using his claws and brute strength, speed to overpower the second werewolf which falls down onto the ground and gets his head stomped in by Astraeus. After that Astraeus enters his First Form, and goes over to help Lucien who is struggling to take down one werewolf.

Lucien, uses the Chains of Thanatos and with Astraeus's speed they're able to take down their third werewolf, however the pack leader clearly has set his sights to fight Astraeus. Astraeus jumps forward towards the pack leader, thinking that Lucien can handle his own against some werewolves. Lucien draws out his sword and activates the demonic attribute, slashing down another werewolf as he sees Astraeus take on the pack leader, trading hits with the werewolf. Astraeus dashes forward, the werewolf leader dashes forward. Astraeus strikes, the werewolf strikes. However, Astraeus clearly packs more of a punch than the leader, and is able to eventually take him down with a quick barrage of punches and slashes from his claw weapons.

Lucien is tired, and beaten to a pulp by the werewolves that he defeated, but after that he has achieved some stats increases, from a quick quest that his corrupted user interface gave. The task was to beat 10 werewolves.

Lucien's new stats:
19 Strength, 17 Speed, 16 Intelligence, 17 Luck, 14 Special Ability

Astraeus also experiences some stat gain:
25 Strength, 34 Speed, 15 Intelligence, 11 Luck, 23 Special Ability

Lucien gains a few new items using his skill Pillage which gives him double drops:
1 Wolf Cub (Pet)
1 Wolf Tear (Enchant on weapon)

Lucien gives Astraeus the Wolf Tear and asks him to go appraise it and put it on his weapon while looking at the Wolf Cub. "What the fuck are we supposed to do with this, Astraeus?" Astraeus is already down on the ground petting the cub. "Clearly, we should raise it. I mean, they were a drop, right? Which means they're our property. So we should probably keep it, yeah, and raise it."
Lucien shakes his head. "No way bro, we don't even have a bloody place to live, and I don't know if the guildhouse will accept us getting a dog in there."
"Have you tried? Pretty please, Lucien! Look at the wolf cub! Isn't he cute, right?" Astraeus points at the wolf.
Lucien glares at the wolf. "Alright, fine~ Let's go to the guildhouse, and if they don't accept we'll just give it to a pet adoption center or something."

To be continued in Page 23!

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