Part 4

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A day after Kibe was murdered.


It was Wednesday morning and Jotaro was walking to school by himself, that uneasy feeling still in the air. Although today this aura felt sickening. In a few minutes he was coming up to Kibes house, so he let his thoughts run through his mind. Maybe I should walk with him today.. at times like this we should comfort each other. Perhaps then things could go back to normal.. or something like that. The male sighed, he sucked at these types of things, Jotaro wasn't the type of person to show affection or for that matter any emotions. He thought it would make him seem vulnerable to others.

A police car drove past him and Kibes house was finally in sight, at that very moment his heart sunk. About three cop cars surrounded his friends house. What? Why is the police here..? Jotaro started quickening his pace towards the large house. Thoughts flooded through his mind making him feel light headed, he took a deep breath before knocking on the Mokomo's door. The black haired boy looked down at his shoes, then knocked, waiting to be greeted by Kibes parents. 

The door was unlocked by Ren Mokomo one of Kibes dads, he then looked at Jotaro from head to toe with puffy, blood shot eyes. "Oh Jotaro..." Ren said with a noticeable tone of sadness, he softly touched Jotaros shoulder and gestured for him to come inside. This was going all too quick.. what had happened? Why is Ren crying? His heart raced and his palms started getting sweaty, he had never felt this nervous in his life. As he followed the Mokomo inside, he saw Itsuki Mokomo seated on a black leather couch it looked quite expensive. Ren had gone and sat down next to his husband, Itsuki waved his hand towards Jotaro as a sign to sit down with them. 

The black haired male looked around for Kibe, he was no where to be seen. So he began preparing for the worse, Jotaro looked at the couple with sorrow. Something had shattered them so much that the both of them so much to the point of their current state? Ren sat there with puffy blood shot eyes, as though he had been crying for hours, nonstop. On the other hand Itsuki looked enraged, with dark circles under his eyes possibly from the lack of sleep. 

"Jotaro... we have terrible news to tell you.." Ren bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling to stop himself from crying. Itsuki hugged his partner and whispered something his ear, the other male then nodded as they both turned towards Jotaro again. "Jotaro, I know you and Oba were very close to Kibe.. that's why.." he paused looked down at the floor boards. What did he mean by.. was very close? He knew what was coming next, the heartbreaking truth he didn't want to be told. "..that's why this must be very hard on you. What I'm about to tell you that is.. yesterday afternoon Kibe was.. brutally murdered." 

Ren leaned down to face the floor, still seated. He then began sobbing to himself with his hands covering his face. Itsuki rubbed his back trying to comfort him. Jotaro stared at the couple in disbelief, he felt as though he wanted to cry. The boy closed his eyes for a long minute and tipped his hat down, awaiting for the urge to cry to wash away. Although the feeling never went. He felt as though he was about to burst into tears, Jotaro had to get out of here. No one had ever seen him cry. Even at his most vulnerable state.

"I.." he felt like his throat was tight, as if the urge to cry had strangled him. "I need.." Oh god Jotaro sounded like he was at his breaking point. "I need to leave" he managed to say in a shaky tone, looking over at Insuki. "Please, don't try and hide your feelings Jotaro. It's okay to show some emotion here and there-" he tried to reason with him, but it was pointless. Jotaro had already shouldered his way out of the house. Accidentally bumping into a few police officers wandering around the house, his vision was blurred by his tears.

Once he made it out of the Mokomo house he thought of heading straight home, he couldn't be bothered with school today. Not after what he had been told.

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