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7th February

I have a mother fucker to hunt down and murder. His name is Kane and he's trying to fuck a mother.

The mother I want.

He can't have her.

I sound like a caveman but he's not good enough for Gabrielle.

I don't know him, but he's not good enough for her.

No one's good enough for her. Especially not some fucker that plays Fortnite and sends her messages that consist of abbreviations only.

I might do something drastic to ensure she doesn't go over there tonight. Super drastic.

I wonder if I can do something that'll land me in hospital but not for a long period of time. Just a good six hours in the ER.

It's Thursday night, Lydia is at her grandmother's, spending some time with her before the three of us head off to California for the weekend tomorrow night. It's a good thing Dallas's birthday didn't fall on a game weekend.

Holly is over here, her and Gabrielle decided to have a casual drink and a chat while Matt is looking after the kids at home.

He wanted me to go over and see him but I'm being a nosy asshole and listening in on the progress of this Kane situation since I refuse to just come out and ask Gabrielle herself.

Holly and Gabs sit next to each other on the sofa, heads together while they look at Gabby's phone screen. I'm at the breakfast bar pretending to work on my laptop while I listen to their conversation. I'm at a new low.

"Just go," Holly suggests. "You don't have Lydia tonight. He's free. Just go and hook up. It'd be fun."

Gabby makes a hum of hesitation. "I'm not really feeling it. He's a little. . . ick."

Thank fuck.

"Who cares," Holly encourages and I'm glad she can't see me because I'm fuming. "Just go and hook up. The less conversation, the better. I'm living vicariously through you."

"You don't even have sex, what are you on about?"

"Yeah, but you do."

Gabrielle scoffs and it's so hard not to turn around and look at her. Any chance I get to drink in her features and I take it like I'm a man starved. "I used to. It's been a while."

"That's my point."

I'm about to throw that woman out of my house if she keeps telling Gabrielle to go and see this Kane bastard. The first person she sleeps with after Josh should not be someone who asks if she's available by sending a message that says Upto?

I send a quick text to Matt.

Call your wife and tell her to come home.


She's trying to get Gabrielle to go and see Kane.

Matt knows how I'm feeling about Gabrielle. It took him about two seconds to figure out when we went for lunch on Sunday. He's known me long enough to see the look I was giving her when she was talking about giving her number to someone else. I'm sure Holly would've figured it out too if she wasn't so wrapped up in playing matchmaker.

He texts back while I'm doing my best to rein in the urge to throw a fucking fit.

Just tell Gabrielle you're jealous and you don't want her to go.

I stare at my phone screen. Is he fucking serious?

That's the worst fucking advice another person has ever given someone. Besides, I'm not jealous. I'm just worried about her.

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