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I don't remember when did my life become like this... Nobody noticed me! I existed, that much I knew as my parents would always provide for me. Yet, I had been feeling alone. Always I guess. They never appreciated me, neither did they scold me. They worked and I studied or played always by myself. That's it!

Perhaps to make myself noticeable I decided to wear the headscarf, in my highschool, as an act of rebellion. But, I guess, I caught the wrong attention and lived almost three years of my in illusion, until... I got to know the real him, and luckily alhamdulillah her as well. I found someone who explained me the real Love. But, I was a slow learner. It took me other two years and some unexpected visit from the past to understand. Although being around him was still painful as it would make me miserable every single time we had an encounter, I finally accepted that Love is White.

I feel complete and whole. HE alone is sufficient for me. It's not an ending. But a new beginning. Now I am no longer scared and I want to create a new personality of mine. I have decided that I am ready to embark on a new journey, although I am unaware of what my future may be. But Allah controlls everything and I have full trust in Him. Everything happens for a reason and I know along my journey I will find it out: Why is Love White?
Assalamu alaykum.
This book is mainly about a teenager girl who just moved to a new city. She has been living in this country as long as she can remember but despite being a muslim, she did not have a chance to get to know the real islam. Unfortunately, even in her new neighbourhood there is no mosque and although she would want to know Allah more, with different circumstances, such as temptations of haram relationship, it becomes difficult until...
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In this book I also want to adress the issue of LGBTQ, especially among the muslim community in the western counties as it is growing more and more widespread... hopefully nobody would get offended.
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There is another theme: bad communication between husband and wife which affects the children.
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Lastly, it's my first book ever... although I have been writing only for academic purpose...
I hope readers (both muslims or non) will get benefit from it and I will gain rewards, even after my death as a means of sadakah Jariah, Inshallah.

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