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Alex stood on the grass in San Francisco, her black dress swaying in the cold wind, a storm coming in. She sighed as she watched the casket being lowered into the ground. She tightens her grip on James's hand as he held Drew on his other side.

"I'm glad I was able to do this for him."

"Me too doll. You ok?"

"Its just hard. I thought..."

"I know Allie. But its closure."

She could barely listen to the prayer, her mind whirling from everything that had happened. After everything had settle, Zemo sang like a bird. He explained how he got involved with Grey, the threat Grey had on his family. Grey made it seem like all he wanted was to take Alex, not explaining that he was going to kidnap Drew a week or so after his plan to break her.

The police found Grey's will and a letter for Alex. Alex took a moment a couple of days after her rescue to read it.


If you are reading this, it means that I have die, probably at your hand. That's hard to write, considering the amount of love I have for you.

If you haven't discovered yet, let me explain some truths.

When I first saw you, you were the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I wanted you from that moment on. But your brother refused. I tried to persuade Simon, reason with him. Unfortunately, that didn't work out. We buried him close to the house in Boston. I hope that brings you a little peace.

As for your parents, they threaten to harm you as they blamed you for your brother's disappearance. I had them change their will to leave me as their benefactor before they were killed. I wanted to keep your inheritance safe.

I left everything to you, my pet, my queen. My hope is that this letter is unnecessary, but I wanted to be sure you were taken care of, should anything happen.

I love you so much Alexandra.


Alex sobbed at the letter with James holding her as she wept. Her entire adult life before James was built on a web of lies. When she got confirmation of his location, she had her brother reburied. The toll of the bell snapped Alex back to the present.

The father completed his blessing over the casket. "We celebrate your life Simon Richards, a lost soul that has been found and now taken to the Lord. Amen."

They all murmured a reply and then came to give Alex their condolences. After everyone left, Alex turned to James. "I want to see him, Jamie."

James sighed, "Allie, I..."

"I need to see him. He did this for me. It's the least I can do."

James adjusted a sleeping Drew on his arm. "Ok, ok. Let me make a few calls."

A couple of hours later, Allie sat beside a hospital bed. Its occupant was asleep. She took his hand and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Allie Cat."

Nate's face was still pale and his movements slow but there he was three weeks after being shot.

She reached over to press a kiss to his forehead. "Hey Nate. How are you feeling?"


"Getting shot will do that." She gave him a soft smile. "What have the doctors said?"

"Recovery is going well. Docs say I just have to be patient to get stronger."

The Type You Save (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now