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When Alex started out in her former life, bullet proof vests were not the norm.  It wasn't needed. She was agile, quick.  The need to protect her body was in her reflexes not in a vest.  But here she was, in the ready room of the police station, listening to her husband.

"Alex, this vest will take the impact of a bullet.  It will hurt if you get fired upon, but it can stop almost any bullet to the chest. But please doll, don't instigate the lunatic to fire at you." James looked at her with a knowing look.

"Like I would do that," Alex scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Alexandra," he said in warning.

"Fine.  No poking the crazy man. I got it."  She kissed him softly.  "Only poke your crazy."

"Are you deflecting?"

"Maybe."  She starts to play with the straps as James clipped the bracelet in place.

"Ok test."

"Loud and clear, Barnes," Zemo replied.  "Audio is up as is tracking."

"Perfect.  So, Steve will run you to the location and I will be with Stark a couple of buildings away.  I'm leaving now.  Alex," he put his hands on her shoulders to get her to focus, "you get the information, and you walk away. Don't do anything stupid. I need you to come home, ok?"

Alex's lip trembled.  "Ok. In and out."

"Exactly.  I'll be listening, doll." He glanced around.  "Can we have the room for just a second?" The team filed out, leaving husband and wife alone.  "Please Allie, promise me you'll come home."

"I promise Jamie.  But promise me if Grey loses it, you protect our baby at all costs."

"I promise my love. I love you, Allie."

"I love you, Jamie."

James closed his eyes.  He kissed her hard and breathed her in.  "Ok, let's get going."

Alex and Steve rode in a non-descript car to the wharf. Alex's leg was bouncing.  Steve reached over and took her hand.  "I won't let anything to you or him or Drew.  You know that right?"

"I know."  She squeezed his hand. "Promise you won't let him do anything stupid."

"I promise to try.  But the only thing he's dumb on is his love for you." Steve smiled.  "Did I ever tell you that I was the one who pushed him to talk to you?"


"Yeah, he saw you and was dumbstruck. He told me later that you were just the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.  I've known this punk forever and he's never said that." Steve laughed and shook his head. 

Alex smiled.  "No offense Stevie, but that's what I thought of James.  Most handsome guy I'd ever seen."

"You guys were meant for each other.  Hope I get that someday."

"Steve, I know you will.  You're too good of a guy not to. You know you're my best friend. I wouldn't lie to you."

"I know Ale. Love you."

"Love you too."

They pulled into the parking lot and walked to the specific building. "Alex, remember, get the info and get out."

"I know Stevie." She hugged him hard.  "See you on the flip side."  She walked into the building.

Christian Grey was waiting. Waiting to see his kitten, his pet.  Four years since the last time he saw her.  She was different.  A mother. It only enhanced her beauty to him. He watched as she walked towards him. "Hello pet."

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