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Steve woke up with pain.  Shit, he thought to himself.  The light in the room was blinding, not helping the headache he had at all.  He blinked slowly trying to orient himself.  He went to massage his head but found he couldn't move. This is what finally brought him into full consciousness.  He looked to see Nate sitting next to him, tied to the chair with his arms behind his back. He finally lifted his head and saw Alex in front of him, also tied to a chair but gagged.  He could see that she had been crying.  "Alex?"

"Ah, Captain Rogers, good to see you are finally awake."  A man in a crisp suit stood in front of him. "I don't believe we have met.  Christian Grey."

Steve stared daggers at the man. "You're the asshole that is trying to rip my family apart. Trying to take my brother's wife.  My nephew's mother."

"She is mine," Christian snarled.  "She was always mine." He punched Steve in the face. Steve raised his face back up, a trickle of blood running from the corner of his lip. Alex muffled scream came from across the room.  A laugh could be heard, and he looked to see another man with Zemo standing next to him.

Christian walked over to Nate. "I knew you would betray me, Nathaniel.  You were always weak, especially for my girl."

"She was never your girl." Nate looked defiantly towards him.  "You took an innocent girl and ruined her.  I did everything to protect her.  You just wanted to fuck her up.  We had a code, ethics."

Grey got right in his face. "Don't act like you had to moral high ground," he snarled.  "You were right there next to us, doing my dirty work without a second thought.  You lusted after Alex just like every other man. Let me rephrase, you were in love with her."

Nate didn't blink.  "Yes, I do.  I loved her so much, but she deserved more than this life.  I had no problem helping her escape if it meant she was happy. I couldn't save my soul, but I could save hers."

Alex let the tears openly flow.  She knew Nate had a crush, but she hadn't known how deep it had gone. She looked at him with sorrow.  Nate knew what she wanted to say but he simply nodded.

"That is so romantic.  A declaration of love," Grey mocked.

"Well, it's better than what you think you are calling love." Nate threw back.  "Tell her.  Tell her how you made her an orphan. How Walker ran them off that cliff. That you actually found her brother a few days after he tried to leave and tortured him when he refused to give his blessing.  How he begged you to spare her life. How you slit his throat and watched him bled out on the same floor you made her bedroom in."

Alex's eyes widen at Nate's words.  She started to scream through the gag and buck in the chair. Her mind on Simon.  She had assumed he was alive but underground.  Underground was right but he hadn't been alive in years.

Christian roared at Nate. "You think giving her these truths would make it better? I should kill you first, so she knows she is powerless to stop this. Walker." Christian turned to face Alex as Walker went up to Nate and punched him in the gut, the force tipping the chair over and sending Nate onto his back.  Walker picked him back up and swung at his face, his nose now bleeding but unconscious.

Alex continued to scream until Grey went and ripped the gag from her mouth.  "You're a monster! You killed my family!"

"I only did what I had to do to keep you, Alexandra.  I wanted you from the moment I saw you."  He saw the confusion in her eyes. "You don't remember? You wandered into a game one night, looking so innocent and beautiful.  I knew I had to have you.  But Simon refused.  So, I eliminated the obstacles."  He laughed with such malice that it made Alex flinch.  "You were so easy to mold into what I needed.  Now, it's time for some negotiations."

The Type You Save (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now