I knew You Were Trouble

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ZGDX had breezed through the quarterfinals and were all set to play semi finals. Meanwhile Tang Yao and Lao K's relationship was going smoothly. They had still not shared this information with anyone. Most of the boys were oblivious, only Ming-ge suspected something.

Tang Yao couldn't believe how unbelievably sweet he was to her. He'd come up with excuses to spend more time with her, seemingly legitimate reasons to touch her and took care of her in his own way. He'd randomly bring her coffee and leave it next to her without a word. Sometimes she'd be streaming and people would comment about how sweet he was.She was deliriously happy. She had been avoiding video calls and meetings with Jiyang knowing she would sniff out the truth in a second. The day after they won the semi finals, they had gone out.

Lao K knew how to do things in style, so he had taken her to a race track outside Shanghai to drive around and have fun. They had left before anyone got up. After the adrenaline rush, she took him out to eat at her favorite sushi restaurant. Both these places were pretty far away from the usual places where gamers hung out, so they could relax and enjoy themselves. In the evening, Tang Yao had dragged him to Qibao old town where they could enjoy some delightful street food. The two lovebirds were lost in each other as they got some steamed buns.

Lao K looked at it skeptically as Tang Yao bit the edge of a bun to release steam. She blew on it a few times and fed him a little with her chopsticks.

Tang Yao- " See, I told you. This place has the best food. We don't always need to go to fancy places"

Lao K - " All right , all right. I concede" , he laughed. It really was delicious. He admired at her ability to find joy in the smallest of things. Most people around him expected him to take them to expensive restaurants, buy them gifts etc , but not Tang Yao. In fact, his wealth didn't bother her because she was richer and she was the one to get him expensive gifts and got to expensive restaurants sometimes..

Tang Yao- " You should have figured out by now, that I am usually right" , she said puffing herself up jokingly. He pulled he cheek and laughed -" Shortie, you'll get a big head if you don't stop"

Incidentally, Ai Jia and Jiyang were also roaming around in the market. She saw this whole scene from a textbook romance drama shell shocked. She couldn't believe her eyes. Ai Jia just laughed. By pure chance, Tang Yao looked to her side and her eyes widened as the bun fell back into the basket. She saw Jiyang and Ai Jia.

She muttered in English, " Shit" as the captain followed her eyes and just smiled shrugging his shoulder. It was only a matter of time before they knew and besides Jiyang was her best friend.

Jiyang- " So, this is why you have been avoiding me...How long has this been going on?"

Tang Yao- " Jiyang ...I.. .", she looked at Lao K silently urging him to help with her eyes. He was amused and said, " You're on your own with this one. Come Ai Jia let's get some drinks. I have a feeling they'll need it when they are done" and left. She muttered, " Traitor"

Jiyang- " Yao yao, am I such a outsider that you are hiding from me?"

Tang Yao - " Nooooo. I...this is all very new. Its only been a two weeks..I was scared to tell you lest it become real , you know? Its like we're in our own bubble. If I don't tell you, I can pretend its a dream"

Jiyang really understood " Do you want it to be a dream though? Do you know how happy you looked with each other just now? I don't think I have ever seen you this deliriously happy and I'm pretty sure no one has seen k-ge smile so much. You're obviously smitten with each other"

Tang Yao smiled sheepishly" Thanks ....please don't tell anyone else. We are trying to keep it quiet. I definitely don't want to end up on the gossip pages"

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