Butterfly kisses

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ZGDX had moved through the tournament and had quickly qualified for the quarterfinals. Tang Yao had an interview that day so she was up quite early at 8, well for this house anyway. She turned on Panda to see FNC's Kun streaming. Mostly out of morbid curiosity, she turned it on. A fan asked him if he was at the movies two days ago. It was the day she and the captain had seen him at the theater.

Kun - " Where do I have the time to go to the movies. I was very busy practicing for the tournament. Ask my team mates if you like. Our next match is against ZGDX, the jiejie there is very strong. Need to prepare well. Besides, if I had time, I would take my girl back home from Korea out on a date" , like he was some pious man.

When a fan asked," But, we saw you with a girl when we met Tang Yao"

Kun laughed it off- " It must be some staff member you saw me with. If I saw the Jiejie from ZGDX, I would not leave without saying hello"

Tang Yao had a disgusted expression on her face. Lao K saw that and said, " What's with that face. If you don't like his stream, why watch it"

Tang Yao- " The levels to which men sink to is baffling. Just when you think they can't sink any lower, they always surprise you by finding a new low"

Lao K - " Some men. Not all do shortie. Back in Korea, he was my junior. He would change girlfriends like he changed shirts. Even the Pope is like that. That's one of the reasons I don't like them. Anyway, get ready to leave, we're getting late"

They arrived at the venue to see the Pope practicing a game. He winked and smiled at her. To be polite, she smiled back and then got a cup of coffee before the interview"

It was pouring outside, so she borrowed an umbrella from a staff member nearby. When she walked outside, she saw the girl Kun was with, crying and shivering in the rain. She headed over to her and squatted down next to her, " Sister, are you okay?"

Girl sniffled and said, " Everyone online is hating on me for saying that I was with Kun. The fact is I was stupid. I should have known that he was two faced. I...I just got so wrapped up in it. Anyway, I am done with e-sports and these celebutants. Good luck sister, I'll leave now" after

Tang Yao- " Wait, take the umbrella. Not all of us are like that. You deserve better. If you choose to speak out, I will support you and tell the truth as well" The girl gave her a slight smile amidst her tears, took the umbrella and left.

Tang Yao ran inside in the rain. When she came inside the dressing room, she was dripping wet. Lao K saw her and was alarmed, " Shortie, what happened? I thought you borrowed an umbrella"

Tang Yao- " Someone needed it more than I did". He sat her down and draped a towel around her head immediately.

Lao K - " Dry your hair. I don't want you to get sick. I'll call your friend and ask her to bring you some dry clothes. Here, I brought a spare T-shirt if you want to change into till then"

When she refused to move, he took her hands in his and asked her gently gazing deep into her eyes, " What happened Tang Yao?" She told him everything, about Kun, how she felt seeing the girl and how her faith in the e-sports players' morals was shaken.

Lao K listened silently and took both her palms in his and said, " I was going to wait until the end of the tournament. But, given how thing are now, if I don't tell you now, the girl I love will have joined the nunnery"

Eyes wide but intrigued, she looked into his eyes. He continued, " The first time I saw you at the supermarket, I was intrigued by your Tetris game with the bottle. When you floored my car, I was floored. I thought, wow, she's interesting. Then I saw you graduate and I thought, this woman will go places. I was awed by your intellect. When I saw you in the bunny print bra, I thought wow, she's sexy! Then I saw you deal with your admirers well. You showed kindness even to the ex who wronged you so much. You took care of me when you could barely sit up. You dealt with the situation with your brother so ably. I ...I fell in love with this girl, no woman, that is smart, beautiful, powerful, strong, kind and sexy as hell. I want devote my life to earning your trust and love. I want to be your friend, lover and confidant if you'll let me. I will be faithful to you and keep my promises. I know we're still young, but you're the one for me, I'm sure of that. I also know there's a lot you want to achieve in life, I want to be with you every step of the way if you'll let me"

She was completely taken aback by his straightforwardness and candid honesty. She stared at him dumbfounded searching for words to respond. One part of her brain went, ' Holy shit, he actually confessed his feelings! He likes me too' and the other went, ' You vowed not to date e-sports players' Under his gaze she shivered.

He looked at her. It was evident she was taken aback but he had read the signs right. She was attracted to him as well . He didn't know how deep her feelings ran but they were there. She hadn't pulled her hands out of his grasp either. He thought, ' In for a penny, in for a pound' and said " Tang Yao, I'm going to kiss you now, unless you push me away..."

He dropped her hands, brushed his lips gently against hers kissing her softly. It took her a full 10 seconds to register what was happening. She threw caution to the wind and her arms around his neck and kissed him back deeply. He was shocked but pleased when that happened. When they pulled away, they were both panting lightly. He came to his senses and said, " Wow"

She blushed and said, " Wow,back!" Realizing she was still wet from the rain, he shrugged his jacket off and said," Here, this should help a little. Your friend will be here any moment hopefully. You will be warm and safe" The jacket smelled like him a hit on cologne , peppermint and sweets .

She was brought back to reality as her smile morphed into a look of panic. Reading her right again, he whispered, " Don't worry. I know this was a bit sudden. We will talk about this later. For now, I will keep this beautiful development between us and get through the day."

Tang Yao was touched that he understood her so well.Unable to say anything else she nodded and he let go of her. Jiyang walked in a moment later.

" Yao Yao What happened to you? You look weird?"

Lao K laughed. Tang Yao tried to glare at him as he walked out giving them space. If she thought he was going to stop teasing her because they were dating, she was sorely mistaken.

Jiyang added as she helped Tang Yao change -" Seriously Yao Yao, what's wrong with you? You look flushed, happy, anxious and sad at the same time"

Tang Yao- " I'm fine. Just overwhelmed I think..." Jiyang looked suspicious but bought the explanation nonetheless.

The interview went seemingly in a daze for both of them. Both of them were anxious to have a conversation with each other. It was past time for them to talk.

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