Acting like a teen

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After a while even Ming headed up to bed. Lao K was pacing worrying about where Tang Yao was. They were about to call Ai Jia when K got a call from Tang Yao's number.  He picked up on the first ring and said, " Hello"

It was Jiyang. " K -ge. This is Jiyang. Yao Yao's best friend. I need your help at bar KO. Yao Yao- she's hammered. I tried to call Ai Jia but the idiot must be training again, he's not picking up. I found your name saved as Captain, so I called you"

Lao K - " I'll be there in 5 min. Stay where you are."

The captain had managed to run next door , grab Ai Jai and drag him to the bar as well. He found a very drunk Tang Yao swaying to the music and singing beautifully . He was mad that she had gotten drunk so irresponsibly, it was a bit funny as well the way she was acting but most of all he was concerned about her. He dragged her to a booth in the corner where Jiyang was sitting with Ai Jia and sat her down. She protested even as they commanded the server to bring her a tall glass of ice water and some bread.

Furious now, they turned towards Jiyang, " How did she get this drunk? I will get this bar closed down for serving a minor alcohol"

Tang Yao - " I'm not drunk. I only had ice teas"

Jiyang, " Long island ice teas. 4 of them. Eyy, Yao Yao, I told you to stop " She got up from her seat and started singing beautifully again. Lao K were temporarily amused but mostly angry. They stared Jiyang down.

Realizing they were still waiting for an explanation, Jiyang gulped and said, " She was very upset when she called me. K-ge, please don't judge her harshly. She was very uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting from that King kid, Ah Tai , Kun and all the online comments. Then, there was that debacle with the photo online, it bothered her more than she let on. She was worried she had ruined your spotless reputation of never being gossiped about. Then that loser Jian Yang showed up yesterday. She was already spent when her parents called. K-ge, she is used to taking care of everyone, she needs to be taken care of. Her parents have always focused on her brother because he's always in some crisis. Today apparently he kissed some girl and her brother hit him. That brat always gets into some type of trouble so her parents are so focused on him that they totally forget that she needs parents too. She was very upset when they didn't even show up to her graduation. K-ge , I would have gone if she had told me. This selfless girl didn't want to interrupt my time with Ai Jia, so she didn't tell me until afterwards"

He stared at the girl who was still singing beautifully, and said softly, " Drink the entire glass of water and eat that bread"

Tang yao grabbed his arm and said seriously " I don't want bread. I want a cheeseburger."

He told her seriously, " I promise I'll get you a cheeseburger if you finish this bread." She nodded, tucked herself under his arm and started eating . She was practically in his lap and he was just content to let her hold him and watch her eat. Jiyang was shocked at how easily he got her to listen to him. Ai Jia said, " Baby, we should go. He will take care of her. Sorry , I didn't receive your call. I should pay more attention. In future, I will always pick up when you call". She looked at Lao K who nodded at her indicating they would take Tang Yao home and let herself get dragged away by Ai Jia.

Jiyang wondered, ' Who is this guy and what has happened to him ?' , seeing her incredulous stare, Ai Jia continued, " K-ge yelled at me on the entire car ride here. He asked me how I could be so careless and irresponsible. He told me that if he had a girlfriend, he would never let her down like this". Jiyang smiled, her friend was truly in the best hands possible.

After she ate the bread, Tang Yao was sleepy. She fell asleep on his arm.  Lao K , picked her up bridal style , carried her to the car and drove her home. Everyone was already asleep, so he silently carried her to her room , took her jacket off and laid her in bed on her side. He went back downstairs, grabbed two advil, a glass of water and a bottle of juice. He placed all the items on her bedside table and wrote her a note [ Take the medicine, Drink all of the water and the juice]. Satisfied she was okay, they went to bed finally at 3 am.

It was 3 in the afternoon when Tang Yao woke up. She noticed she had a headache and then saw the note. She sat up recognizing the captain's handwriting at once. ' What happened last night? I don't remember much after I was talking to Jiyang.' She took the medicine and called Jiyang.

Jiyang- " Sister, you are finally awake. How do you feel?"

Tang Yao- " Like shit. I have a headache. What happened last night?"

Jiyang- " Well, my sister, you got drunk for the first time in your life. Sang beautifully until your man came and dragged you to the booth. Then he fed you in his arms and carried you home to your bed. He even managed to knock some sense into Ai Jia at the same time" she giggled

Tang Yao - " he's not my man and I don't remember anything". That wasn't entirely true, she recalled some embarrassing parts she didn't want to admit to. After she hung up with Jiyang, she showered and went downstairs.

Little Fatty -" Aah! you're finally up! Our captain told us not to wake you. He said something about irresponsible girls and bad habits. What happened?"

Tang Yao shook her head no and went into the kitchen. He was clearly still mad at her judging by his body language. Before she could say anything, he thrust a plate full of fresh water melon and some toast at her and said, " Finish all of it" and left.

After eating dutifully( as much as she could stomach anyway), she found them alone in the balcony. "I'm sorry", she said.

Lao K -" For what?"

Tang Yao- "For being the reason you got dragged into some scandal. For imposing on you and for being such a trouble yesterday"

Lao K -" Tang Yao, I don't give a rat's ass about the scandal and I meant it when I said , I really enjoyed coming to your graduation. It wasn't an imposition. You are not a burden. Do you know why I am so angry? "

She said, " Because my drinking debacle yesterday was very irresponsible and someone could have taken advantage of me."

Lao K- "Yes but you sing very good. Do you remember anything from last night?"

She hung her head, " Sorry, I made you worry. I ...I promise it won't happen again. I have never had so much alcohol before, only a little wine and beer . I had no idea I could get that hammered"

Lao K - " Good. And next time, eat something before you drink. That's like the first and only rule. I don't want our mid to be hungover during games. Take it easy today and drink lots of water" He ruffled her hair fondly. He had a feeling she'd think twice before getting that drunk again

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