Trick or Treat Freak- Chapter 6

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"You think I should go?" Max asked, when the two girls were finally far enough from the boys.

Sky nodded. "Honestly, I think it would be better with you there." She smiled.

Max widened her eyes and looked away, trying to hide her tiny blush. "What do you mean by that?"

"It just." Sky frowned. "I'm the only girl in the group, and as much as I love those dorks, it's just..." She trailed off.

"You feel left out." Max finished for Sky.

"Yeah." She smiled.

Once the duo was back outside, they were both picked up by their brothers. Skyler got in the car, and buckled her seatbelt, Steve turned on the car.

"I see you walked out with the readahead again." He teased.

"Max. Her name is Max." Skyler told her brother.

He chuckled. "Right." Then he looked up seeing her walk inside the car of his 'enemy' Billy, which made his eyes widen. "Wait." He looked at his sister. "Is Max Billy's sister?"

Skyler looked at Steve. "Yup, unfortunately for her."

He raised his eyebrow. "She's- She's not like him right?" He said concern in his voice.

Sky giggled, shook her head. "No, not even a little." She looked over at Max driving away in her brother's car, smiling. "She's......perfect." Then Skyler then widened her eyes, and quickly turned her head to her brother. "I-I mean--"

Steve chuckled, then he began to drive away. "It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself. If you say she's okay, then I believe you." He smiled.

Sky smiled back. "Thanks."


Once Sky got home, she immediately went and got her things ready for trick or treating with her friends. Her costume wasn't anything that special, she was dressed as Jason, along with his signature mask and weapon. She double  checked, then triple checked that her costume was ready before finally leaving the house, grabbing her pumpkin head for storing candy, before she left.

"Have fun!!" Skyler could hear Steve as she walked out, making her smile.

"Thanks! You too!" She closed the door, walking to the place her and the boys agreed to meet up.

It had been a couple hours since the group met up, and luckily for Will, Jonathan had agreed to let his little brother trick or treat without the adult supervision of his older brother, so long as they stayed near by. Which of course they didn't why would they? The whole time Will had been recording the entire night, with Bob's camera, Will had enjoyed every second of it. However, there was one tiny little problem. There was still no sign of Max, but for Skyler that hadn't bothered her one bit, she knew her favorite red head would join them, soon enough. Skyler's heart raced as she thought about Max, smiling.  

"Trick or treat!" The group of kids said as a nice old lady opened the door, candy bowl in her hand.

"Aw! Well aren't you cute, little exterminators." The boys frowned, then the lady looked at Sky. "and Jason! ooh how scary!"  Sky giggled at the boys reaction to the lady messing up the boys costumes, then her and Dustin happily grabbed a hand-full of the candy in the bowl. Followed by the rest of the boys. 

The group then began walking back, Lucas speaking up. "If I get another three Musketeers I'm gonna kill myself." 

"What's wrong with three Musketeers?" Dustin asked.

"What's wrong with three Musketeers?" Lucas repeated shocked.

"No one likes three Musketeers." Mike continued.

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