Halloween!- Chapter 5

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The next day was Halloween, and boy was Skyler excited. Even though she had already experienced this before, she was happy nonetheless. All the candy, walking around hanging out with her friends, all the spooky costumes, and most of all....Max. Skyler smiled at the thought of trick or treating with her. She knew that no one- except for her group of nerds- would be wearing costumes to school, so she decided to do the reasonable thing. Not take her costume to school, and save it for later tonight. 

"Hurry upp!" Steve screamed from downstairs.

"I'm coming- I'm coming dingus!" Skyler shouted back, shuffling down the stairs. 

"What took you so long." Steve said as he unlocked the car, both of us getting in.

"I forgot where my walkman was." She shrugged.

He rolled his eyes, turning on the car, and checking himself out in the mirror, making Skyler scoff. "Calm down Steve the hair Harrington, you look fine." Steve chuckled, putting on his seatbelt. 

"yeah yeah, okay." He began driving out of the drive way, then looked at Skyler tilting his head. "Where's your costume?" 

"In my room."

"Your not gonna wear it to school?" He said turning his attention back to the road.

"Nah." Skyler said looking out of the window. 



Skyler and Steve had finally got to school, where Sky said her goodbyes to her brother, and jogged up to the bike rack to catch up with her friends. 

"Who you gonna call!" Skyler heard as she neared them. 

"Ghostbusters!" Will said happily. 

Skyler giggled. "Hey guys, nice costumes." 

The group of boys turned their attention to her, smiling. But then Mike frowned.

"Where's your costume?" 

"I didn't bring it." She shrugged. Mike turned his attention to Lucas. 

"And you." He walked towards Lucas. "Why are you Venkman?" 

He raised his eyebrow. "Because I'm Venkman." 

"No I'm Venkman." Mike pointed to himself, making Skyler roll her eyes. 

"Why can't there just be two Venkmens?" Will spoke up.

"Yeah- c'mon guys it's not that big of a deal." Sky added, which made Mike widen his eyes. 

"Not that big of a deal? There's only one Venkman in real life, we planned this months ago! I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, Will's Egon, and Lucas is Winston." Mike said pointing at Lucas. 

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." He said shaking his head. 

"Yes you did!" Mike blurted out. 

"I don't think he did." Will added.

"No one wants to be Winston man." Lucas argued, making Dustin shake his head in agreement. 

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike said.

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist." 

"Yeah but he's still cool." Mike said.

"If you think he's so cool, you don't you be Winston." Lucas told Mike.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Lucas said.


"Be-be-because your not black?" Lucas said cutting off Mike. 

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