Will the Wise- Chapter 9

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The gang had finally found Dart....or so they thought. When everyone got to the location Will said he was spotted he was gone, and so was Will. After looking for Will, Lucas found him on the field....just standing there. Everyone rushed to him worried faces plastered on their faces, especially Skyler. 

"Will. I just found him like this!" Mike said as they got closer. "I think he's having another episode!" 

Joyce went up to Will shaking his shoulders, hoping it would wake him up from the trance he was in. Unfortunately, it didn't, he still stood there eyes closed, with no expression. "Will! Will! Will!" She shouted. "Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom!" She kept on shaking him.

Skyler took a deep breath and put her hand on Will's shoulder, trying to ready herself for whatever she might see. However, nothing could prepare her for what was about to happen. As soon as she made contact with Will, she immediately fainted blood rushing down her nose, at least that's what everyone else saw, for Sky it was a little different. She opened her eyes, and saw Will along with the Mind Flayer, the monster consuming him, while he couldn't do anything but cry. 

"WILL!!" Sky ran over to him, quickly pushing him out of the way, the two falling on the floor. "A-are you okay?"


"I-I'm here Will, I'm right here." They hugged Will still crying, when suddenly, the Mind Flayer began to growl in anger. The kids looked up at it with fear. "Shit...Get away from him, asshole!" She screamed holding him close, and raising her hand. 

"You will....regret....this..." A voice spoke from what seemed like everywhere and nowhere.

"Fuck off!!" She felt dizzy.

Then they both woke up.

"Will, Skyler!!" Everyone screamed. 

Sky once again opened her eyes, and saw herself on the floor, her head resting on Max's lap. "M-max?" 

"Oh god- your okay!" She hugged Sky, making her widen her eyes. 

"Yeah, of course I am- why wouldn't I be?" They both stood up.

"Why wouldn't you be? Skyler you just fainted- and god- your nose-" 

Sky wiped her very bloody nose, and coughed. "I-I'm okay...I'm okay." She turned to Will, and hugged him. "Will." 

He hugged her back. "You saved me."

She hugged him even tighter. "I....I don't think I did...." 


Joyce took Will, and they left the school, leaving the rest of the kids. 

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max started.

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas said leaning on the fence.

"It's getting worse." Mike looked at Sky. "And you, what- what happened- I mean- did you see anything?" His eyes looked at Sky's clearly worried about his friend.

Skyler went to open her mouth, when Lucas spoke. "You think it's true sight?"  

"What's true sight?" Max asked looking at the boys, Mike quickly shaking his head at Lucas. 

"It's nothing."  

Sky sighed looking at Joyce driving away with Will in the car. 


Once Skyler had made it home, she noticed something off about Steve, he was more....quiet than usual. She put her things down and went up to her brother.

"Hey Steve?" She gently said. 

He didn't answer.



Sky poked his shoulder, finally getting his attention.

"Oh-oh yea what's up Sky..." 

She took a deep breath. "Are....are you okay?"

He shook his head. "Yea- of course- just perfect...." 

"Um" She looked away. "Cause if your not....I mean that's cool too, just uh- just know that I'm here." She punched his shoulder playfully. "You know, as your favorite sister and everything." She joked. 

He chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You my only sister."

"Still, I'm the favorite." She smiled. "Um- but yeah I'm here if...if you wanna talk...?"

Steve wiped a tear, and smiled. "Y-yeah.....yeah I do." 

He then proceeded to tell his sister everything about what had happened with Nancy at the party, along with the stuff that was going on with Billy. To say the least, he was lost, he didn't want to loose Nancy, not after everything they've gone together. He still cared for her, and that hurt Sky because she knew that Nancy did not feel the same. But she couldn't tell her brother that.

"Okay!" Sky clapped her hands together. "Tomorrow after school we're gonna get her back okay!" 

"uh....you sure?" 

"Yes! We'll even buy flowers for her and everything, okay- we've got this." She raised her hand in a fist, waiting for Steve to return the fist bump. He did.

"Okay, Sky." He smiled.


The next morning Sky had gotten to school a little later than usual, she didn't want to pick the short straw of looking through the garbage. Once she got there, she saw Dustin, and caught up with him. 

"Hey Dusty!" 

"Oh- hey!" He looked around. "Where is everyone?" 

She shrugged. "Beats me." 

"Stop being a baby and do it already!" They heard a voice from the side of the school, and walked towards it. 

"This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?" Max spoke up.

"The hell's going on?" Dustin raised his arms in confusion.

"Having a party back here or something." Sky smirked.

 "Does it look like-- ugh no, we're looking for Dart." Mike rolled his eyes.

Then trash bags flew out of the can, almost hitting us.




Lucas jumped out of the trash, wiping himself off, then looking at both Skyler and Dustin. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. After I drew the short straw, real convenient." He crossed his arms.

"You stink!" Max quickly walked over, getting in-between Skyler and Dustin, making Dustin smile at her.

"Hi Max."


Skyler giggled, and slightly pushed Max, jokingly. "Morning, Maxine." 

She smiled at Sky, pushing her back. "Morning Nosebleed." 

"Where's Will?" Dustin asked.

"He'll be here." Mike responded. 

"Are you guys just gonna stand there?" Lucas threw a stick to both Dustin and Sky. "Or are you gonna help?"  

Sky sighed, and they all started to poke at the trash bag, trying not to think about the horrid smell and the bugs. 

"What a morning." Sky rolled her eyes.

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