Closure -Chapter 15

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Once everyone gathered back inside, Skyler explained to everyone as much as she knew about her powers and what she had experienced. As well as explaining her new fire finger guns.

"So yeahh- I don't really know how I got these powers in the first place. Or why they're suddenly appearing now." She sighed as Max was putting on another bandage on her hands since she burned them earlier. "But I promise you guys- I'll make the most of it. I'll make sure no one else gets hurt."

Joyce smiled. "Oh sweetie, I really appreciate it- but we're the adults. We are supposed to protect the kids, not the other way around."

"I know- but still--"

"Leave it to us." Hopper added. "I promise we'll figure this out. In fact- we were just about to set up a place in the shed for Will." 

"He can't spy on us if he doesn't know where he is." Mike added. 

Everyone then went around the house looking for anything that might help. Mike and Hopper went to the shed, emptying it out. Nancy and Steve started covering the walls with random plastic, making sure to enclose every nick and cranny. Meanwhile Lucas, Dustin, and Skyler were outside looking through the trash, searching for anything of use. 

"Hey." Dustin spoke up. "I'm....I'm sorry about Dart and all. I guess I just thought that he was my friend. I was wrong. I broke the rule of law." He sighed and looked over at Sky. "so if you want your girlfriend to take over my spot in the party, I understand." 

"Or my spot." Lucas added. "I also broke the rule of law." 

Skyler smiled and shook her head. "Guys- she's not my girlfriend." 

"We saw you guys holding hands in the bus." Dustin said. 

"Plus- we've noticed how close you guys are. The way she looks at you..." 

The girl still couldn't believe Max liked her already. The last time, it took Skyler until summer to finally win Max over. "First of all, she was scared in the bus, if either of you guys were next to her during that time she would have held your hand too. Second, I have no idea what your talking about-- Max doesn't look at me in any way. We are just friends." 

"Skyler you know that's not true." 

"We can tell, there's something there." Dustin looked down.

"....I dunno- I guess." She looked over at the house looking at Max through the window. "Are....are you guys sure you don't....don't hate me for it." 

At this, both the boys shot up looking at their friend confused. "Why would we." Lucas uttered. 

"Cause...I'm a girl- and so is she." 

"Skyler." Dustin got closer, his eyes softened. "You know we would never hate you for something like that." 

"Yeah man, we're a party remember? We don't give up on each other. Plus-- I'm like 99 percent sure Max likes you back." Lucas smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

Skyler chucked. "Oh shut up." she playfully pushed Lucas, smiling. Then slowly her smile started to fade. "What about Mike?" 

"What about Mike?" 

"You know how he is.....he might not--you know." She said looking down.

"Fuck him." Dustin said standing up. 

"Yeah- if he doesn't see past that, then we'll kick him out." Lucas offered his hand to Skyler, to help her get up.

She happily took it. "Thank you, it really means a lot you guys." 

Afterwards, the trio went back inside, only for Dustin and Lucas to notice Max sitting alone in the hallway. They smirked, getting Skyler's attention.


"Why don't you go talk to her?" Dustin said, grinning.

"Yeah- look at her she's allll alonee." Lucas added, raising his eyebrows. "We'll finish setting up the shed, so don't worry." 

She looked over at Max and sighed with a smile on her face. "Okay- okay I'll go." She looked back at the boys. "but enough with the teasing,  jerks." 

"No promises." 

Skyler walked over to Max, sitting next to her. "Hey what's wrong. Why are you here by yourself?" 

"Mikes such a dick." She sighed shaking her head. "I was just trying to make conversation about El-- and he's still focused on not letting me in the party."

"I'm sorry he's.....he's not usually like this. He's been a real piece of work recently. It's cause he misses El...." She held Max's hand. "But don't let that get to you, he's not someone to get mad over. Plus- our party is a democracy remember?" She smiled. "And I can assure you everyone else definitely wants you in the party."  

Max squeezed Sky's hand, giggling. "Yeah- I guess so." She took a small pause, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, by the way."

"For what." 

"Just...everything. I don't know recently everything's been so hectic. I'm the new kid at a random place with an asshole for a brother, and a mother too scared to do anything. I'm not really used to having friends." She looked over at Dustin and Lucas play fighting with eachother, smiling. "Or having someone I can really talk to and trust." She looked at Skyler, her eyes softening. "I guess what I'm really trying to say is that....I..I'm really happy your my friend."

....Friend....Just friends... 

"Y-Yeah...I'm really happy too." Skyler put her head on Max's shoulder, trying to ignore the tiny pain in her chest. 


After a while, everyone had finally finished setting up the shed, placing Will inside and waking him up. Both Joyce, Hopper, and Jonathan were inside, trying to get through to  him. Steve was practicing swinging his bat, Nancy was in the kitchen looking out the window worrying about her little brother. The kids were in the living room trying to put their heads together, thinking of ways to help Will. Hoping that the shed idea would somehow work in defeating the Mind Flayer.

"Do think this will really work?" Max asked, her head on Skyler's shoulder.

"It has to." Mike said biting his fingernails.

"It'll work, Max." Dustin added.

"But...if finds out where we are...will he send those dogs after us?" 

"That's only if he does, we're gonna be okay, red." Skyler held Max's hand, slightly rubbing it. 

"Yeah....but if he does..." Max trailed off, getting closer to Sky.

"Judgement day." 

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