Chapter 11

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Rosa's POVIt's been about three weeks since I came home from Italy

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Rosa's POV
It's been about three weeks since I came home from Italy.

Bella got back a day after me and went off on me for leaving her there to face the Volturi by herself. She became more enraged when I came clean about everything to dad......even the supernatural.

Edward now had a ban from our house, and dad even put bars on Bella's windows and hid a baby monitor behind the head of her bed.

As for me, the first week I was extremely temperamental and prone to out burst. The second and third week I was just...quiet and empty. I tried to push and power through but nothing seemed to soothe the ache in my chest.

I was now starting week four when it all came crashing down on me. I woke up from another sleepless night due to insomnia, and tried to get up. Key word tried.

As soon as I went to sit up nothing happened, except for a painful leaden feeling deep in my bones. I, stubbornly, tried again. And again. And again. I managed to sit up after my eighth try only to collapse on the floor in a heap because my legs refused to work. Before I could stop myself I let out a pain filled cry and curled up into a fetal position.

My dad burst in, having heard my wails, with Bella following. Dad hovered me, unsure of what to do as I've never been like this before. I didn't even shed a tear when my appendix burst. Bella scoffed and rolled her eyes "Oh, please! She's being so dramatic. I was away from Edward for six months and I'm perfectly fine now. She's only been away from her monstrous mates for three weeks" "Shut up and go to your room Isabella!" Dad roared before grabbing his cell phone and calling someone.

Carlisle POV
Another day has passed and I'm still anxiously waiting for Rosa to push her pride aside and accept the mating bond between herself and the kings.

'Alice should have NEVER pushed her into this position. Rosa wasn't ready for a mate yet, now she's forced to either accept the bond or die! It's unfair, and was very selfish of my adopted daughter to do so even if it was to save Edward and Bella. Rosa needed time, and Alice robbed her of that. I'm very disappointed in my children for this. Alice feels guilty, while Edward is doing more research on mates, because of Bella and Rosa's different reactions to being separated from their mates. I already know that he won't like what he finds....'

My thoughts are interrupted by my cellular ringing. I check the Caller ID and immediately answer "Hello? Charlie? What's wrong?" "It's Rosa! I don't-I don't know what's wrong or how to help! She's in so much pain and she can't stand up! God she's so pale!" My eyes widened in shock. I honestly expected this to happen sooner, but Rosa's pride and stubbornness gave her a three week boost before her body decided to shut down.

I leaped up and started grabbing my medical supplies "Don't worry! I'm on my way! Put Rosa in her bed and keep her conscious, alright?" Charlie suddenly let's out a sob "She's dying isn't she?" He asked. My face goes grim as I say "Not if I can help it!" I then hang up and dial another number.

3rd POV
Meanwhile the kings haven't been the same since Rosa rejected them.

Caius went on a rampage and destroyed his entire bedroom and art studio before collapsing and laying in the rubble. He stared blankly at the walls and hasn't said a word.

Marcus locked himself in his room. No one knows what he's been doing in there, but he hasn't eaten anything or made a sound.

As for Aro.....he's buried himself in his work to cope. He does triple the amount of trials than normal and they all end the same. With burning vampire corpses.

But on this particular night, just as the sun set something changed for the worst. The kings let out wails of agony and collapsed on the floor. The guards went into a frenzy as they tried to help the kings. Alec was distracted from helping Aro when the secretary's phone rang and she answered before turning and saying "Un medico Cullen chiede di parlare con i re. Dice che è urgente." (A doctor Cullen requests to speak with the kings. He says it's urgent.)

Alec immediately grabbed the phone and said "Carlisle! What's going on?! The kings—!" But he was cut off by Carlisle saying "So it's effecting them too?" Baffled Alec asked "What do you mean 'too'?" "The mating bond—it's killing everyone involved. I'm on my way to Rosa's house now to try and ease her suffering, but I need the kings to come to Forks as soon as possible!" Alec glanced at his father figure and his twin who was pathetically trying to help.

The kings knew that this would happen, but decided to not do anything about it because they didn't want to force Rosa into a relationship. they're not being given a choice.

"We're on our way."

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