Chapter 10

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Rosa's POVJane dramatically pushed open the giant double to reveal a breathtaking throne room

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Rosa's POV
Jane dramatically pushed open the giant double to reveal a breathtaking throne room.

It was large, circular, and entirely made of white marble with windows surrounding the roof and allowing the sun entrance into the room so there was no need for artificial lights. Then there was a huge drain in the middle of the floor that I automatically knew what it was for. Then directly in front of us three black thrones with red velvet cushions and decorated golden embellishments styled specifically for each of the three kings.

The furthest to the left held a brunette king and his throne was decorated with gold quill pens, ink pots, scrolls, and books. The king in question has wavy brown hair to shoulder length, standing 6'0 ft tall, with an average build in his late 20s. His white skin is translucent with a papery texture, and his red vampire eyes have an overlying milk film. He wears a black cloak which gives off emo vibes when paired with his him totally expressionless and uninterested about everything else in existence. When I stared at him I thought of a Greek deity, which one however I couldn't say.

The throne in the middle was embellished with gold roses, orchids, and a few other flowers along with a sun. The king in the middle has an average build, and is  5'10 ft tall with almost translucent skin, which actually reminds me of snow. I feel compelled to touch his skin to verify if it is smooth and cold, and granite-hard like the Cullens or powdery and soft. His hair is very long and jet black. When he moves, it appears so graceful that it looks like he is floating. His eyes are a milky red color that has a tendency to unsettle people, but not me..... I find them to share an uncanny resemblance to ruby's or ripe apples. He appears to be in his mid-20s and is actually very handsome.

The third throne to the far right is decorated with golden spears, swords, axes, and.....wolves? To my confusion and discomfort as I silently prayed that he just liked wolves. The king seated there had dark red, though cloudy or milky eyes  like the previous kings. His snow-white hair is shoulder-length, very close in color to his skin tone, and being 5'9 ft tall. He was transformed in his early 20s, with an average build and is very graceful. He almost looking like he is floating when he moves.

Jane breaks me from my thoughts as I see her approach a brunette boy with similarities to her, leaving the assumption that he is her brother. "Sister, we send you out for one and you return with two..... and two halves. Such a clever girl" the boy says teasingly making me quirk an eyebrow "Honey, two halves make a whole" he looks at me startled and I smirk "Brother this is Miss Rosa.... I quite like her" her brother looks startled before turning to look at me again and shyly saying "Hello, I'm Alec" I offer a kind smile as he reminds me of the pups back home "Nice to meet you, honey, we'll talk more later" he smiles at that.

I turn around to see that the raven haired king is talking to Edward and Bella and the blonde king is scowling at them, but the brunette is looking at me with a confused and hopeful look. I make eye contact with the brunette and he gasps as a weird feeling invades my heart feeling similar to a puzzle piece clicking into place.

The brunette rises and suddenly speeds up to me and cups my cheeks "La mia regina sei davvero tu? Sei finalmente tornato a casa da noi?" He asks catching the attention of the other two kings (My queen is that really you? Have you finally come home to us?). Both kings speed up to us and the blonde immediately turns my head and make eye contact with him. The same puzzle piece feeling clicks into place once more.

My clothed shoulder is grabbed and I'm turned around to see the raven haired king. Again with the puzzle pieces....what's going on?!

As if reading my mind Alice speaks up and says "Rosa, these are you mates Aro, Marcus, and Caius....the kings of the vampires" my eyes widened and I freeze in place while Bella screeches out "What?!" And starts demanding answers from the pixie haired seer who looks at me in concern. Even Edward gives me a pitiful look.

I snap out of my daze and jerk out of their hold earning hurt looks from them and a sharp pain in my chest seemingly from my heart. That pain quickly turned into anger as I rounded on Alice "This is why you brought me here?! To be some sort of bargaining chip or get out of jail free card?!" Alice looked like a deer in the headlights as she took a step back and held up her hands in surrender "No! Rosa of course not-!"

"Then why?! You know my thoughts and feelings about these things! You know that I don't want this! Yet you brought me here anyway?! What did you expect?! For me to just magically change my mind and suddenly want a domestic life?! No! I don't want to be chained down like Bella is to Edward and I won't be! I'm going home! Figure this out yourselves!" I yelled before storming towards the door.

"Wait! Il mio fiore-!" The raven haired king said as he reached out for me, but I cut him off by jerking away and snapping at him "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!" All three kings looked devastated as I stormed out. I tried to ignore the horrible ache in my chest as I made my way outside where the streets were slowly becoming deserted as the festival ended. I stopped for a moment and started to cry

The pain in my chest was unbearable and I made my way to the airport and further away from them

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The pain in my chest was unbearable and I made my way to the airport and further away from them.

I do regret what happened that day.....but I was too stubborn, prideful, and fiery. My fear to lose my independence and freedom cost me much heartache.....

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