Chapter 01

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Rosa's POVI sit in the passenger seat of my father's police cruiser happily chatting with my dad and catching up on things as he drives us home

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Rosa's POV
I sit in the passenger seat of my father's police cruiser happily chatting with my dad and catching up on things as he drives us home.

I instinctively glanced back to check on Bella as she listens to music and looks out, taking in her gloomy new surroundings. I sigh before looking back at my dad and smiling. Chief of police, Charlie Swan, is taciturn, introverted like Bella, but when he meets the right person he opens up and reveals a shy, dorky, and playful man with a heart of gold.

I was privileged enough to be one of the few people who could see that side of him.

I look out the window as we pass a sign "The City Of Forks Welcomes You - Pop. 3246."Bella sighs and I roll my eyes. 'She literally sucks the life out of everything! Would it seriously kill her to liven up?' I couldn't help but think irritably.

I immediately feel bad about my thoughts though.

As the cruiser drives through, I take in the old logging town where I was born and spent the happiest memories of my childhood. Every storefront has a wood carving. The Timber Museum's sign is two loggers sawing a stump. The police station is a small wooden building across from City Hall.

It's not long after that, that the cruiser pulls up to the old two-story house. A woodshed full of firewood. There's a small boat in the garage, fishing gear, an old buoy. I climb out and open Bella's door for her before looking at the house ...... 'home' I can't help but think as tears threaten to blur my vision. I quickly shake my head and force the tears back.

Dad and I carry in our bags while Bella awkwardly leads the way ignoring us. The house isn't stylish, but it's comfortable, lived-in. I can tell that dad redecorated. He repainted the entire house sky blue with a white trim and replaced the furniture with more modern ones and bought a flat screen and mounted it above the fireplace. There's lots of fishing memorabilia; photos of dad fishing with Uncle Billy and Uncle Harry.

Handmade cards to "Daddy" and photos of Bella and I. Bella winces at photo of us at age 7. The two of us are in tutu's in our old dance studio, Bella is sitting stubbornly on the ground while glaring up at me as I'm in a graceful pose with an apathetic look on my face.

We turn our attention to dad as he speaks "I put Grandpa's old desk in your room, Bella, and I cleared some shelves in the bathroom" Bella grimaces and mumbles out "That's right. One bathroom" dad doesn't hear as he continues "And Rosa, I got you all set up in the attic" Bella snickers and gives me a smug look. I ignore her and smile at dad "Thanks daddy" I say and hug him before allowing him to lead the way. Bella scowls before stomping after him.

I take one last look around. My eye lands on a photo of a much younger Charlie and Renee, on vacation, beaming with love. Before I head up after them.

An antique rolltop desk sits in a corner. The room has been repainted a lilac color and a queen sized bed has been placed in the middle of the room. Dad hung up sheer dusty purple curtains on the windows and painted the trim an furniture white as well as installed white carpet. A full body mirror sits between the windows and faces the bed and dad bought a new desk chair for Bella's desk. He also put a giant 'B' over the head of the bed.

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