#12: specialist competition

Start from the beginning

"Begin" the guy says and they start swinging. Ray went first and hard. Tyler wasn't expecting something so strong and now he's pissed. They're both swinging hard. Neither one budging.

Tyler swung hard and down but Ray held his sword in front of him. His other hand holding the blade as Tyler pushed down hard. Ray went down on one knee, the battle sounds of grunts and groans from both boys.

"This is intense" Pearl says next to me. Yea. It is. Ray has to win.

Ray pushed Tyler up and down as there sword flew to the side. I start screaming. "YEAAAAASS"

Ray put his glowing green blade to Tyler's neck. After a second he out his sword away. And held his hand out for Tyler. Tyler took his hand standing up patting Ray on the back. "Good fight....but next time your mine." They both laughed and walked off.

"I don't get it. One minute they are trying to kill each other and the next they're besties" Cindy says. I nod in agreement.

"Yes boys are weird" Bella says and we all have a little laugh. After more battles and us making little jokes here and there and betting who will win. They finished the weapons portion and now it's dragon time.


Ray, Dimitri, Simon and Brady walk out as a dragon comes into few. He was giant. His head reaching the top rows of the stadium. His scales were red, thick, his wings were giant. Twice his size and his claws could rip you apart. This is dangerous.

They let the dragon go. It's magic muzzle disappears and the chain around his neck is gone too. The boys start surrounding it. Ray has a rope with a ball at the end. He throws it tying the dragons front claws together and runs to the dragon. As it fell forward.

He climbed up the dragon as cheers from the crowd filled the air. I was just watching I couldn't even take my eyes away.

A dark cloud started forming over the arena. And everyone gasps soon a purple lightning bolt zapped the dragon and it goes crazy. Ray held onto its neck as the dragon ripped out of the rope and flew out of the barrier that was keeping it down. Everyone started screaming and running out of the arena.

"We have to do something" I stood up looking at the girls.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Cindy smiled standing on the seat running down the bleachers. "Alright ladies time to kick dragon ass" Cindy shouted as she jumped up. "ETERNAL FLAME" she screams mid air and orange fire magic surrounds her and bam. She's flying up.

"FAIRY OF OCEANS" the blue magic around Pearl and now she's off flying.

"FAIRY OF WIND" a purple cyclone wraps Bella and now she's flying off to the dragon.

I groan running to the railings. I'm so useless I can't even fight. I only know a few spells. The other specialists help the crowd get to safety. I see Tyler guiding people out and he sees me. Not now.

3 other dragons escaped the cages they were in and came into the arena flying towards the guys. What's happening!



(Imagine Musa and Stella)

I heard girls screaming and see two other fairies flying up. Attacking the dragons with sound waves and balls of light. It's Lucia!!!

I have to help. Tyler started walking towards me. Think how can I help. I look down and There's a sword on the arena floor under me. Ok perfect. I hop over the rail landing on my feet. I guess combat is paying off. Tyler looks over at me and I hear him call my name. As I run to the sword.

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