Chapter 14

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After a car ride full of Five's ranting about the future and Klaus' random outbursts of questionable and disgusting ideas, we are now in an office of some big time person in this company.

The company we're in is called MeriTech and they specialize in providing prosthetics to those in need. Five tried talking to the one in charge a while ago but they didn't let him see the records which in turn made him violent. They almost had him forcefully thrown out of the building and that's where he got the not so brilliant idea of him having us pose as his parents.

Apparently, Five has an eyeball with him that has the mark of this company along with a serial number and he needs to know who it belonged to.

He held on that eyeball for years ever since he went to the future.

I asked him a couple of times why it matters so much.

All he said was it was important for him.

"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you." the man that Five had an altercation earlier said.

He was too relaxed leaning back his chair and his hands together. 

I don't know why but his overall vibe irritates me.

"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Five retorted, already standing up while Klaus and I just sat on either side of him.

We let Five deal with this and I just figured I would step in if things get out of hand.

Which I can already tell it probably will.

"Well, that's not my problem." the man shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

His behavior was so unconcerned, it's making my blood boil.

I have no idea what Five is after but if it's so important to him, I decided to just go along with it.

"Sorry. Now there's really nothing more I can do so-"

"And what about our consent? My lovely wife and I?" Klaus suddenly said, pointing at my direction.

Five and I looked at him weirdly and so did the man in front of us.

I wasn't aware that there would be an impromptu acting about to happen and I panicked on the inside.

"Excuse me?" the man asked, genuinely confused.

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on our son?" Klaus pointed at Five who was now looking unsure. He even started to fake cry.

I too would be unsure of Klaus since he's not really been stable for a while now so he can get very unpredictable at times.

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