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Kirishima's POV
Waking up is suddenly the hardest thing to do, yet I can do it. I open my eyes to the nurse's office. I hear soft snores next to me and turn to see Bakugou asleep. I move his hair a bit and kiss his forehead.

Kitty Central enters the room. "Ah, you're awake." She enters, walking around before pointing at my side. "I've depend all night rummaging through videos of healing quirks to try to find one that could work. I eventually did. Let me see your side."

I start to panic, pushing her hands away, "Your quirk isn't healing and you know that, Miss "I can heal anything"!!" She chuckles, pulling her hands back. A second later, she flashes my own quirk. "My quirks name is See All, Take All: Any quirk I can see, as long as it's a physical attribute or quirk that is something along the sort, I can use." She points to her head, Un hardening her arms. "I can't use Shinsou's mind control for example."

I groan, annoyed, "That must make you some distant cousin to Monoma then, right?" She chuckles, "Right. We're actually first cousins, believe it or not. His quirk and weaknesses are similar to mine, however," she moves her hand down and presses it to my side. It's hot, "He's a jerk and I'm not." I watch as her hands have some sort of pink and purple flame attached to it. My wound seems to heal itself.

Once finished, she picks her hand up and looks at it, "That quirk is one of my student's. She's got a pretty powerful quirk." I look at her with interest, "What's her quirk?" She smiles, "Healing Flame. She can heal and attack with the flames itself. However, it can cause burns if she doesn't limit the use." Suddenly, her hand is covered in ice. 'Todoroki's quirk' "I haven't mastered it yet."

"How do you use quirks and not break your hero outfit?" She looks at me, "The material I had it made from is pretty strong. It takes a lot to destroy it," She points to her back, clearly referring to something. "Had some modifications done to equally disperse the possibly of grabbing a quirk that is biologically attached to someone, like Hawks' wings."

"Woah! You're so manly! I wish my quirk could do something that cool." She sighs, sitting down at the edge of the hospital bed, "I mean, you can. With enough nutrients and mind stretch, you could probably manipulate the earth to your will. I've tried at least." She points to Katsuki, "Your quirk got his attention, right? Bakugou isn't usually this attached to someone Kirishima. If you're not dating him yet, why the hell aren't you?"

My face heats up, "What did he say that makes you think that?" She smiles, looking down at her hands as she melts the ice, "He asked why you love him so much. He really loves you, Kirishima." I pull Katsuki further into my embrace. I nuzzle his neck and listen as he breathing picks up. It slows down soon after. Kitty Central gets up, stretches and begins to leave, "Aizawa will be here for thirty minutes then it's just you two alone. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." She leaves.

I look at Katsuki's face, returning to the pleasant ideas that dance and waltz around the room. I want to hold his hand in public, kiss him in front of our friends, they yell at us to stop, hug him without people believing that it's just a "Friend" hug. Katsuki's eyes blink open, he looks at me in my eyes before pulling me closer to him. "Don't almost die ever again." I chuckle sadly, "I'll try not to."

He helps me stand up a few minutes later, we walk to the window. The butterfly's roll past our window in clusters. I turn to Katsuki, "I have been thinking.."

He looks at me, interested, "What have you been thinking about?"

"What if, what if we run away?"

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