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I apologize for jumping around quite a lot, however this is my writing! It's all written within the same month so far, and it's times ahead of the first chapter.

3rd Person
Dating secretly is proven to be more hard than being vocal about everything.

Bakugou and Kirishima enter the dorms together, greeted by the entire class as a welcome back. Kaminari rushes out first hugging Kirishima, "Welcome back, Kirishima!!" Mina walks up and elbows Bakugou, "So... did anything exciting happen??" Bakugou scoffs, "Hell no!" He mutters, lying, "I didn't end up confronting him." Mina sighs, pulling Bakugou's ear closer, "Better confront him soon, I heard that some of the girls like Kirishima."

Bakugou's POV
My eyes widen as I look at the entire class. Who the HELL else likes the shit head? Most people are either talking to Eijirou or talking amongst themselves. I sigh, shoving Earphone Jack and putting my arm around Eijirou's shoulders.

He pauses and turns to me, "You okay bro?" 'BRO?!? YOU JUST KISSED ME OUTSIDE!!' "Yeah, I'm fine." Eijirou reaches up and pats my hand, placing it on it after two pats. YES I COUNTED. He continues to talk to Tape Elbows like that. I glance over toward Alien Eyes before turning back forward. Then back again. Standing there and very much talking to her is Earphones and Frogger. They look toward me and Eijirou then glance back and continue to whisper.

'For fucks sake.' I move my middle finger up on the hand that Eijirou is technically holding. "Well, Dumbass," I begin, stretching. "I'm going to bed. Glad to be so fucking far away from you." Eijirou catches on to what I was saying quickly. I begin to walk away, he chases after.

"Bro, wait up!!"

He catches up, grabbing my hand as the elevator closes. I look at him, pouting. "Kiss?" He rolls his eyes jokingly, pulling me into a kiss. A deeper kiss then the past few. It's intense, to say the least.

He pulls away, to take a quick breath before coming back for more. About 10 seconds later, we both pull back, panting. I look at him, his face is a bright red. "That... was... intense." He nods in agreement.

About 2 days later, we're back at school. I can't stop staring at Eijirou, and by the time that the bell rings he's gone. I sigh, standing up. Earphone Jacks walks up to me, "So, Bakugou." I scoff, reaching for my bag. "What's up Earphone Jack?" Her face lights up, "I... Uhh... I was wondering if.."

"HEY! KATSUKI!" I look toward the door, Eijirou is waving toward me. He sees Earphone Jack, "Oh!" He walks in, "Jirou! You okay?" Earphone Jack nods, "When did you start calling Bakugou by his first name?" Eijirou smiles, "We gave permission for each other to call us by our first name." I scoff, "Your still a dumbass, though." Earphone's face is still red. "Oh!"

I look at her, "You have something to say to me, correct?" She nods, pointing to the door, "My friend from 1-C has a HUGE crush on you. She's probably gonna confess soon. I believe you guys would be quite an amazing match. However, if you plan on rejecting her feelings, be careful! She's got a powerful truth quirk." I scrunch my face, "I don't have time for dating anyway."

Eijirou smiles, it's forced. "I'm sure you won't reject her that badly, right?" I shrug, pushing past Earphone Jack. She stops Eijirou, talking to him. I feel tears ping my eyes, I walk past Deku. "Kacchan, are you okay?-" "GO AWAY DEKU!!! GO FUCK OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE."

'(She'd) He'd take the world off my shoulders,
If it was ever hard to move.'

Deku touches my shoulder, "Kacchan, you can talk to me." I turn, flexing my hand but nothing comes out. Tears roll down my cheek.

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